Should capital punishment be brought back?

Let me offer an additional, different, perspective: not having the death penalty makes it safer for the police. Criminals know that they can safely surrender when caught. If the death penalty were still there they might decide that if they're going to die they might as well take as many people down with them.
I would have a mandatory death penalty, if you are convicted of crimes with a mandatory death penalty, you will be executed.

Lesser crimes will have a time component, once this surpasses the limit, you are executed, however all will be suspended sentences.
I'd want them to have a miserable life in prison first, feels like executing someone gives them a far easier way out. The most ideal would be to let them rot in prison and then when they're old and grey execute them.

Now where did I put that guillotine.
I assume you’re a prison officer

edit : Sorry didn't mean to be so blunt, I work for MOJ not HMPPS and as such aren't tied to 1 prison, I provide Senior IT Support and as such can be called to go into any prison in the country to fix any issues the regular Support Engineers cannot solve.

I don't advertise the fact as you are then open to corruption/intimidation so when anyone asks I just tell them I work for MOJ in one of the Digital Hubs around the country
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No. Then again I am one of those soft bleeding heart liberals. I can be watching one of those cliche 'inmates on death-row' documentaries and I end up feeling sorry for the inmate despite being aware of the heinous crimes they allegedly took part of.

To me, execution just seems like an emotional revenge attempt. It serves no purpose other than making it feel like the scales of balance have been restored but it doesn't bring the victim back or give the family any real closure over their lost one. It's purely tit for tat.

Of course, if it was my family or friend who had been murdered in cold blood I expect I would be demanding the perpetrator get what's coming to them but whilst I have the fortune of thinking about my feelings on capital punishment without the emotions and anguish that go with losing a loved one, I'm really against it.

If only the world of Altered Carbon was real. I'd totally support taking away someone's 'soul' for a few hundred years and then when they're off of ice they'll have no loved ones or friends remaining.
How do people feel penal labour? I do sometimes wonder if prison isn't punitive enough and also we're locking up lots of people without getting anything useful out of them. it's a question I'm somewhat split on.

Agree on this one. Unfortunately digging up rocks with a pickaxe is not that well suited to this country. Agree with the principle though.

I'd support the death penalty for certain very violent crimes eg the Liverpool gang shooting.
I’d offer them voluntary euthanasia. At least then it’s their choice whether they live or die, which is more than their victims had

I know this is GD, so I'll go on an exploration of ideas...

How about, worst case situations, there is self administered 'world exiting' material in a break glass case in the prisoner's cell? It's their choice, at any point they can just take the easy way out.

I'm sure there's some humanitarian point against this, and I also guess if you were incarcerated wrongly (as has happened) you'd be tempted at some point to just end it. How will justice be restored when that happens?
There was that guy who recently got released from prison after serving 17 years for a rape which turned out he didn't commit. A guy like this can't be resurrected if they got executed, so I'm against this.

Also, I remember reading a post on this forum years ago where they said it costs more to sentence someone to death than a whole life order because of the costs of the repeated appeals process.

It's not going to be an easy 50 years for Lucy Letby for sure.
If an innocent person is on death-row, then it's very much allegedly. Goes without saying that the majority are very, very likely guilty of the crimes they've been convicted of, however, the system isn't infallible. Mistakes have been made before and they'll without a doubt be made again.

That, for me, is enough of a reason to not support it.
Anyone thinking that capital punishment is a cheaper way of dealing with criminals or who thinks that they as a taxpayer shouldn’t be paying for criminals to locked up, is in all practical sense, completely wrong.

executing people is very expensive. it takes years or appeals and retrials, even with the most cut and dried cases. And then the actual act itself isn‘t cheap either. It’s not like you take people around the back of a bike shed and whack them over the head with shovel. We’re not some tinpot dictatorship or banana republic… yet.
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Death penalty? Dumb, backward and doesn't solve anything.

Then there'll be the cases of "oh soz, we now fink yoose didn't do the bad thing, hav ur head back".

I say we go full on Hunger games - have you murdered someone? Youre gonna fight to the death for the amusement of the public, it worked well in Panem, im sure it would go down well in the UK too.
What if someone confessed to the crime of murder, and dna evidence backed it up, would the people against the death penalty still be against it in that situation?
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