ah gotcha now
I'll do a test this evening. I've a third Xigmatek at home too which i was wondering if i should use it on the TRUE. Idle temps with one are @ 40,39,40,39 which is down 4deg on the Zalman i had in there before.
Load temps after an hour of prime were @ 84,81,80,80 (peak) which is down a couple of deg so i'm thinking the extra fan will make a difference and wont look too bad inside.
I'll do the test with:
Noctua off + 1 fan on TRUE - 15mins Prime
Noctua off + 2 fans on TRUE - 15mins Prime
Noctua on + 2 fans on TRUE - 15mins Prime
I'll do a test this evening. I've a third Xigmatek at home too which i was wondering if i should use it on the TRUE. Idle temps with one are @ 40,39,40,39 which is down 4deg on the Zalman i had in there before.
Load temps after an hour of prime were @ 84,81,80,80 (peak) which is down a couple of deg so i'm thinking the extra fan will make a difference and wont look too bad inside.
I'll do the test with:
Noctua off + 1 fan on TRUE - 15mins Prime
Noctua off + 2 fans on TRUE - 15mins Prime
Noctua on + 2 fans on TRUE - 15mins Prime