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Some impressive cable management here. Kinda makes me embarrassed with my cable management, looks like many different animals have been nesting inside! No matter how hard I try I simply cannot manage the cables well enough :(
Thought the white looked best, then the blue grew on me and now I'm not sure.

Don't think the yellow would suit personally.

Also, a question for all the watercoolers...how do you transport your rigs to things like lan events? I can't imagine the watercooling stays very secure?

I don't since i'm 35!. :)

I cannot believe that i just got a titan!, i thought i was was done with that new tech bs... but i guess i'm not.
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I can not get my hands on my meter at the moment but when I measured one of my X79 rigs with 3 titans all overclocked, they were pulling 1100 watts at the wall. So working on that adding the 4th Titan would bring it to about 1370watts at the wall.

Quite a monster you have there!
I'm done upgrading mine for awhile now, got the cooling sorted recently with the purchase of the H80i, Arctic Accelero Twin Turbo II, the Lamptron FC2 fan controller and probably the best fans that I have ever used the Scythe Gentle Typhoon's (1850 RPM). If anything I'm going to try and hide the cables further :) The case is looking abit battered in places now but it will have to do! :p


Dude that looks like some wicked bend in your card!
More gentle typhoons, a new fan controller, modular seasonic psu and some braided cables needed. (thinking blue and green braid)

after having a look through the last last dozen pages i am surprised not to see any Silver Arrow coolers.. everyone seems to recommend them but no ones running them?

just built this system up for a mate

3570k @ 4.4 + Gigabyte 7950 windforce 3 card, in an Fractial Arc Midi case

plenty of space in there for the Huge cooler and a 2nd 7950 later :D


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