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The2wheels.com had mine on since I got the bike a year and over 10k miles later and they still look like new.
new addition to the family :D My first 'tourer' , tbh i'm quicker on this than a sportsbike !!



Very nice! Welcome to the 'sports adventure' club ;)
It does need some new cans, not the best sounding bike with these. Not sure if I will keep it that long so I might just see how the money goes next year.
Fitted some new tires, and opened the doors to some pretty neat and very remote sand trails, that i was unable to get thru prior, without getting stuck... So a happy bunny.

Before with regular 17" road tyres.

After, (not much choice in 17" with knobblies)

Cut thru the albeit wet, but very fine sugar sand with no problem. Essential if you live where i do !! hundreds of miles of fine sand trails reaching out into the Everglades. This photo was somewhere where i could actually stop without the bike sinking ! Some of which was a foot deep !
Do you go offroading alone? I don't think, I would go offroad alone. If something happens... you're screwed. :(

50/50.. I have a friend who i like to go out there with, just incase something does happen. But on the other hand, that sense of adventure is much greater when you're out there all on your own! AND i have had an issue out there, when my bike worked a bolt loose and collapsed on me. it was the bolt that held up the frame to the suspension, but I was very lucky in that i managed to find the bolt down the road, get it back in and limp it back... But it did scare me for a yr from going back from going back in there. :D
50/50.. I have a friend who i like to go out there with, just incase something does happen. But on the other hand, that sense of adventure is much greater when you're out there all on your own! AND i have had an issue out there, when my bike worked a bolt loose and collapsed on me. it was the bolt that held up the frame to the suspension, but I was very lucky in that i managed to find the bolt down the road, get it back in and limp it back... But it did scare me for a yr from going back from going back in there. :D

I prefer solo rides too, I just think group rides are the opposite of what I mostly enjoy about riding. When I ride solo, I don't have to wait for others or force a certain style of riding on myself which I don't enjoy as much.
But when going offroad, it is better to have another person just in case anything does happen.
I prefer solo rides too, I just think group rides are the opposite of what I mostly enjoy about riding. When I ride solo, I don't have to wait for others or force a certain style of riding on myself which I don't enjoy as much.
But when going offroad, it is better to have another person just in case anything does happen.

I've been out in the glades and seen bears, snakes, and plenty of gators & deer. Never seen a panther but they definitely do exist, and you've really not got any cellular signal out there. Unless you get lucky and find a single bar. I've just done the math and it would take me potentially 17hrs to walk out of there, if i got stuck deep in the trails. But that would be absolute worst case scenario. That would be walking back to civilization and not getting any cell signal, til you got back to a main road. Realistically, i'd probably go just a few hrs til getting some sort of signal, but even so, a few hrs out there no water, no food, (apart from you being 'the food') is not something i'd like to experience. :D
Awesome weather!

Took advantage of possibly the best weather we've had so far yesterday. Family day out to the beach and then a sneaky wee evening run on the Mille around the local 'circuit' via Glendevon, Gleneagles, Crieff, St Filians, Lochearnhead, Callander, Stirling. Awesome summer evenings riding. Bike pulling like a train on steroids. Roads were almost empty as most folk were sat in their back gardens with the BBQ lit! But OMG........the midges and bugs!! SPLAT!!!! :D

Parked up at Glendevon to stretch the legs on way back home.






Forgot about this one - went on a mass run a week ago with a local FB bike group. Just under 90 bikes in total, of all types, shapes and sizes. Was a bit of a log jam but really enjoyable. Parked up on the quayside at Anstruther, Scotland. :)


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