*** Show us your bikes! ***

The only problem is most people on here are down south. It was looking at around 10 hours of straight riding when I looked at coming to the last meet.

I love riding but it's flipping knackering pulling those sort of hours.

Me, you, wazza, misterjingo are all West Midlands area so a few numbers :)
Me and Rossi are Herts, quite a few are from London e.g. gcaster.

For me its roughly 200 miles to get there and back...
Hey, I went to the OCUK bike meet a few months ago, shame it was just me there :D

That is why, I woke up, posted here on the forums before leaving and only you replied, so I knew it was going to be a fail :D

This kind of meet needs to be planed with 1 or 2 weeks advance tops, otherwise people will forget or change plans.

Usually I'm up for a not so early Sunday meeting, as I work weekends and I get home Sundays around 5am from work, also I'm available Mondays to Wednesdays :D
The ride out last year was really good and well organised (by DSB I believe) but as above, it's almost impossible to get everyone involved. I'd be up for something so long as the boss hasn't booked us up.
I will probably be the slow one with my 59bhp though. :D
Haha, I'm happy to come up to the midlands for a meet, agreed all of the previous ones have all been down South!
I'm away for most of September though... if we wanted to plan a late on this year.
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