*** Show us your bikes! ***

First run of the 2017 season here in Scotland, went to the Famous Grouse Distillery. Awesome. Had to grab a few pics:-







@TallPaul_S That's nice and clean :cool: How much did you sell the CB for?

BTW Is it just me, or do you guys get a little excited too when you see a new post being posted in
'The Essential new bike forum, show us you bike thread !'??? :D
@TallPaul_S That's nice and clean :cool: How much did you sell the CB for?

BTW Is it just me, or do you guys get a little excited too when you see a new post being posted in
'The Essential new bike forum, show us you bike thread !'??? :D
Got £1200 for the CB400, paid £1900 for the VFR. It's a hell of a lot of bike for the money!! So far (only ridden it 3.5 miles!) it's super smooth apart from under 2500rpm, the clutch is silly light, brakes are solid but wooden vs the brembos on the Tuono. She's a heavy girl but nicely balance when moving. It's got a scottoiler fitted (saved me £90!). It's very long and narrow compared to any bike i've had before, easy to filter though. The gear driven cams sound great, just needs an end can to release the V4 noise :D

And everyone likes new bikes, that's why! :D
Another thing I like about this bike, no sticking out ugly indicators! All bikes should come with integrated lights...
Yeah the rear ones on it are nice but the front ones are huge!! They tend to take the brunt of any drops and unlike small indicators they crack the fairing rather than just break off.
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