Show us your kitty cats

We have had them that long that I forget about them looking and feeling strange until other people comment about them. To us they are just our cats. Their disposition and characteristics though are as unique as their appearance.
They feel warm to the touch and their skin is quite velvety in texture. It can also be a little greasy if they are overdue for a bath.

As our grey cat likes to be quite independent I am more surprised when he wants affection as then I get tufts of fur on my fingers and clothes, something that is gladly missing from the sphynx cats.
The grey cat used to wear "softpaws".

They are a coloured claw cap which is held in place with a glue. Both the adhesive and the cap are edible and tend to grow off after a few weeks, or we clip them off. We now only use them for the sphynx cats, being indoor only, as they can no longer damage the furniture (or me).

We stopped applying them to Smokie as we were concerned that it might cause him some issues if he needed to defend himself against other cats whilst being outside.

Smokie as a kitten, on the right...

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Your grey kitten is so much like mine was when she was a baby. This is Jess, she is the family cat so I left her at my mum's when I went to uni. Got my own two ginger ninjas now.







and her now (she's an evil girl :D)

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Vimes, how do your sphynx cats handle rough and tumble.
I ask this because my cats often wrestle and during this time, they grab each other with a lot of force. Now, if the cat has lots of fur, this shouldnt be a problem, but with no fur, would another cat's claws not go straight through their skin.

Are these gentle cats or are they capable of handling themselves against more "physical" cats?
The two on the right now live with my daughter...


I like the cat on the far right - he looks VERY moody.

If you ever need someone to look after him for a week or 2, look me up, I would gladly have him.

Also are the sphynx cats "naughty", ie. do they get up to mischief or are they generally well behaved?

As an example, my Egyptian Mau is a terror. While awake, he is always demanding action. And if he doesn't get it, he goes around the house looking for something to do. If he disappears for longer than 15 minutes, I normally go looking for him to check that he isn't up to mischief. He was like this at 3 months of age. And now he is 3.5 years old, he hasn't changed.
@vicisthebest Jess looks fantastic and very similar to our Smokie :)

The sphynx cats certainly do have their moments. We have tried to keep them in pairs for each others company. But one of ours died last year and that left the cat on the left (billy) all by himself. However as long as he has us for company then he is fine. The one that died loved to play fetch with a straw and would play it for hours at a time. Simply throwing him a straw he would retrieve it and then drop it on my lap to throw it again. The winter nights flew by :D

One thing that amazes me though with all the sphynx cats we have had is how much they eat..!!! Their bodies are like a tardis.! Our big grey cat eats a fraction of what they gobble in a day. I'm not sure where they put it all as they are only a small breed.
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