Show us your kitty cats

Its a conspiracy I tells ya. All those cats are getting together somewhere. Planning. Organising. Evolving opposable thumbs.

The war is coming brothers and sisters. You need to decide who's side your on when the catnip bombs start dropping.



My kitty cats, Only 3weeks old
Gizmo as kitten...

Gizmo the day before he disappeared about 3-4 days ago (still playing with his same favourite toy):-

I personally don't think we'll see him again :(
I personally don't think we'll see him again :(

I wouldn't worry. If he's anything like BG, one of my critters, he'll just roll back in as if nothing at all has happened and give you that quizzical "What?" look. BG tends to disappear for days at a time, the last time he came wandering back after a week and it looked as if he'd blacked himself up for a Minstrel show. He was covered head to toe in a combination of oil, mud and God knows what else. Took hours to clean the little sod.
Gizmo the day before he disappeared about 3-4 days ago (still playing with his same favourite toy):-

I personally don't think we'll see him again :(

I don't generally like being proved wrong about things, but this time I coulnd't be happier.

6:30 this morning meooow meooow meooow. I woke up thinking I recognise that sound! The whole family was up in seconds as a Gizmo declared he was back home! His head was soaking wet, but his body was bone dry, and he's got loads of matted fir around his neck, but other wise he's fine. Already taken him down the vet to get him checked over, and all is fine. The vet offered to shave his neck to remove the matted fir, but I couldn't bring myself to make him look stupid, so we'll slowly comb it out.

Got no idea where he's bin, but to have a soak wet head, but a dry body, and loads of matted fir under his collar, maybe trapped under something? Maybe by his collar?

Anyway, I was wrong, he's come back, and I couldn't be more chuffed!
AWESOME! I'm very happy to hear that your cute kitty has returned ;)

Ours don't like venturing out, possibly on the off-chance that they miss a meal, so I can't imagine how you felt. A good ending to an eventful year!
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