Show us your kitty cats

I'm sitting watching Iron Man, nice to know spike's comfy too:

// Edit - he does have a cover for his bean bag before anyone says anything. However at 16 years of age he does have the occasional "accident" and the cover is in the wash :o

Cats on bean bags for the win

its really funny picking him up on it and carrying it around the house.
Pippi. She likes to drink by splashing the water and licking her paw.





Where did most of you get your cats from?
Iv been to various rescues and nothing, Iv also tried online and its just full of exceptionally bad scammers - all I want is a bloody cat is it really that difficult!

might see if I can pick one up off the streets ;) (jokes)
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You can also get some (non pedigree) kittens from people whose female cats are giving birth. Owners in that position give the kittens away.
Where did most of you get your cats from?
Iv been to various rescues and nothing, Iv also tried online and its just full of exceptionally bad scammers - all I want is a bloody cat is it really that difficult!

might see if I can pick one up off the streets ;) (jokes)
Leave some cat food in your garden each day.
Wait a week.
You now have a cat.
Have you tried the RSPCA.

I think rescue centres generally give us a wide birth when we say that we work full time :p even though we can both work from home a few of those days.

Which i dont get because its not as if the cat is getting any bloody attention stuck in a cage is it
You can also get some (non pedigree) kittens from people whose female cats are giving birth. Owners in that position give the kittens away.

problem with that is that most online ads are scammers and their stupid god bless and dodgy english :(
problem with that is that most online ads are scammers and their stupid god bless and dodgy english :(

We found a problem with the RSPCA too - we live near a motorway so they wouldn't even consider us (even though the cats would have to climb over our garden wall, run across some allotments (which are set down from our garden so if they were on our wall, the drop is a good 9-10 ft to the allotments), up and over a wooden fence, and up and over a chain link fence after that to get to the motorway, full of very loud and scary cars that no cats would go near :rolleyes:

So we went to local Pets At Home. Looked at the little cards on the noticeboard. Rang number - got kittens (who have never gone anywhere near the motorway :D). Maybe you could do the same.

Don't see how 'most' online ads are scams... How could people possibly scam you? Get you to their house and then hold you there against your will for money?
I'm still not understanding this.

This is what should happen:

You phone them...ask all relevant questions.
If they do not have any kittens, you put the phone down. If everything is ok, then goto their house, pick up the kitten, if you like it. If they want money, then this is discussed over the phone. For a non-pedigree kitten, you can pay a nominal fee (£10-£20) or take it for free.

Where in the above scenario can anybody involve a pet parcel (whatever that is) and a dead family member?
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