Show us your kitty cats

ffs stop it...I welled up after reading that :( I'm in work trying to be masculine and be one of the boys...but I'm also now trying to hide a sly tear....:p

cats are great, cat haters don't know what they are missing...cats are like wee furry people with a temperament and character so unique to a species....I love cats.

I second this, makes me feel sick on the thought of losing one of mine, they are little buggers at times and can make me swear when they puke up sometimes, wouldnt be the same without them though.

Shot at 2012-03-15

Birman X
Yes extremely fluffy, had to buy a dyson because of the pure fluff, however well worth it!

Only problem is stupid breeder kept them in a cage and its caused shyness.

I was so touched by the two stories posted earlier about the loss of their cats that I thought I'd knock up a picture I posted before of my cat, in the style of that cheeseburger site that still elicits many a chuckle from me.

To smit101, and anyone else who misses their kittys, here's a message from my feline best friend :)

I was so touched by the two stories posted earlier about the loss of their cats that I thought I'd knock up a picture I posted before of my cat, in the style of that cheeseburger site that still elicits many a chuckle from me.

To smit101, and anyone else who misses their kittys, here's a message from my feline best friend :)


lol!:D cheers! That raised a smile alright.

Cat's can be so hilarious at times, Steve would sometimes sit there poking his tongue out, he would often leave it poking out for ages, not sure if there is some cat reason for it or if he just forgot it was out!:D
@ smit101 - Ive only just realized whats happened (saw everyones replies to you).

Real sorry for your loss but.... remember you gave your kitty a happy & comfortable life. I know as humans we tend to focus on the end but also look back on the happy times you had!
lol!:D cheers! That raised a smile alright.

Cat's can be so hilarious at times, Steve would sometimes sit there poking his tongue out, he would often leave it poking out for ages, not sure if there is some cat reason for it or if he just forgot it was out!:D

yeah my kitty always does that :D looks soo funny.. specially when they make that "serious" Face yet the tongue is sticking out!
lol!:D cheers! That raised a smile alright.

Cat's can be so hilarious at times, Steve would sometimes sit there poking his tongue out, he would often leave it poking out for ages, not sure if there is some cat reason for it or if he just forgot it was out!:D

:D No worries dude, glad it made you smile :)

And Flower, our moggy, was introduced to her first large house spider this evening. She looked at it, then in a fleeting instant looked up at me with her mouth wide open in a 'OMG it's fun - and it's food!' expression.

Great stuff :D
:( Sorry to hear about him, i read the bit below

One of my favourite traits of his, was if I'd spent a long period on the PC gaming etc, he would eventually get a bit miffed that I'd been ignoring him for ages, so he would get on his hind legs, keeping his balance by putting one of his front paws on the arm of my PC chair, with his other paw he'd tap me on the arm, when I turned to look at him he'd give me a short, sharp meow, it was as if to say 'Oi! wtf is goin' on man?' 'sort me some grub out or something!' First time he did it I wasn't expecting it and nearly had a freaking heart attack!:D

our casper sometimes does that to me, he always goes where ever i go and sleeps on my bed, sometimes playing on the PS3 or doing something on the PC he does the same, one arm on the chair then tap my arm with the other then meows when i look at him.

Another stange thing he does is, when i sleep i dont i dont sleep well if i lie on my back, if he notices this he jumps up on the bed and walks around and nuts my head as if to wake me up, as soon as i turn over onto my side etc he either snuggles up at the side of me or jumps back onto my chair.
@ smit101 - Ive only just realized whats happened (saw everyones replies to you).

Real sorry for your loss but.... remember you gave your kitty a happy & comfortable life. I know as humans we tend to focus on the end but also look back on the happy times you had!

Thanks mate, really appreciate that.

He did have a great life for sure, being nice and wild here it's the perfect place for a cat or any animal to live. Even the garden is wild most of the time, 'cat's love long grass'.... that was always my excuse to myself for seldom getting the mower out :D + the engine noise used to scare the bejesus out of him! I'll have to think of another excuse now!:o
:( Sorry to hear about him, i read the bit below

our casper sometimes does that to me, he always goes where ever i go and sleeps on my bed, sometimes playing on the PS3 or doing something on the PC he does the same, one arm on the chair then tap my arm with the other then meows when i look at him.

Another stange thing he does is, when i sleep i dont i dont sleep well if i lie on my back, if he notices this he jumps up on the bed and walks around and nuts my head as if to wake me up, as soon as i turn over onto my side etc he either snuggles up at the side of me or jumps back onto my chair.

That's so cool that he's looking out for your well being, amazing intuition!:eek:

The head nudging is a brilliant cat trait, when Steve was in his prime he'd head nudge so hard that it would physically hurt, caught me painfully on the nose and in the eye loads of times.:D

Amazing strength indeed, quite often if the bedroom door wasn't wide open enough for him to walk through, he'd slam into it so hard it would hit the side wall with a real thump, easily loud enough to wake me up, having been succesful in waking me he'd then keep me awake by cleaning himself vigorously on the bed with his high decibel licking!:D
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