Show us your kitty cats



Aww that looks like one very happy little monster.

My sister has had numerous cats and dogs from shelter. The only one that they had to pass on was a young doberman from shetler that kept nipping your bum and at the time she was expecting so they passed it to a special home for dobermans.

My favourite cat was tripod who only had three legs after being hit by a car and Archie the complete mongrel that was found abandoned in a field. The dog was a complete state and it was the most intelligent dog I've known.

These are pictures of my cat Simba.

Here is one of him parachuting from a UFO into the Whiskers supply warehouse

And here is a picture of my simba claiming his prize!
Some cute looking cats in here. Makes me wish I had one now haha. Some of them look like funny trouble makers :p
This morning, my wife went down to the kitchen to be greeted by a pile of cat puke, consisting of:

-Whatever food my cat ate yesterday
-Red netting from a chocolate coins bag or similar

I seriously doubt the intelligence of that creature, I really do.
Here is the Queen of the house, Stella (lost her brother Bud a few years ago to feline leukemia :()


And another random we ended up wth a few years ago, Tia



And the latest addition, Jasper...the missus saw him on freecycle of all places!.


This is our cat, Alfie. He's 6 years old now, at first he didn't like going outside (got him from a shelter) but now he roams around outside and catching lots of mice. He's extremely friendly and loves sleeping on laps! He moults a fair bit because he's so fluffy, but strangely enough people with allergies to cats tend not to be affected by him - my stepbrother's girlfriend has a reaction to most cats, but she's fine with Alfie.

His massive white tummy and white paws are awesome too :D




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