Show us your kitty cats

I did wonder whether it might be a good idea to start putting her litter around the garden, try and stake a claim, so to speak before she goes out (?) It might be better, however, for her to do that herself (?)
Fine. I didn't want to play the new Borderlands game anyway....

Yeah we always have dry food available for them so it shouldn't be that.

It's just weird because we give her attention when she is downstairs, so I don't know why she thinks going upstairs will help if that's the case.

She probably doesn't like being around the other cat so she goes upstairs to get away from it. She then wants attention so shouts for you.
Poor old Ronnie pigged himself out yesterday.

He was on my lap last night and I noticed he was licking his lips and chewing - Said to wife I think he is going to be sick and sure enough he shot off my lap and went into kitchen and heaved it all up - It was quite dry and tube like - I reckon if I could have stretched it out it would have been about 18" long - In there was two black lumps - one I could see was a bird but not sure what the other was - Never had a cat bring that much up before.

Here he is this afternoon.


This is our other cat Holly- we have had her for nearly 4 yrs - she was a rescue cat and was about two when we had her - Being black with a few ginger bit's in she is hard to photograph - sometimes you can't see which end is which.


Being black with a few ginger bit's in she is hard to photograph - sometimes you can't see which end is which.

Photographing Luna is almost impossible for the same reason. Being all black you just can't make out any detail in anything other than direct sunlight!
A college cat? Brilliant.

My cats love to come and lie across my laptop whenever I try to use it. I put this down to two things; the laptop is warm and cats suffer from attention deficit.
A college cat? Brilliant.

Aye, there are 4 here at the moment. They used to live upstairs from our office so would come to visit all the time. Their owner moved to a different court not long ago but this is still their original home area. Just this morning my colleague almost sat on Lupin after he had got into the office and curled up on his chair :p
I am worried about Ronnie this morning - he came in looking very quiet and just ambled into lounge and lay on rug - now he never lays there but jumps on my chair - I picked him up and put him on chair and he just sat there then sort of just curled down and went to sleep -- It's just as though he has had a wack in stomach and is sore -He has been like this once before - he had trouble jumping up fence then - was few days before he looked right - If someone has kicked him and I find out !!!!!!!

She is, and she's the sweetest most docile cat I've ever met. She will regularly curl up on one of our chairs and if we need to move her we can quite easily scoop her up in her curled up position and place her anywhere and she'll just stay there, still curled up :p
She is, and she's the sweetest most docile cat I've ever met. She will regularly curl up on one of our chairs and if we need to move her we can quite easily scoop her up in her curled up position and place her anywhere and she'll just stay there, still curled up :p


Cats are Great :):)
One of my cats digs in her litter tray so much, she will often get poop in her claws and end up smearing it all over the sides of the tray, the walls near the tray and then come and jump on our laps with it still stuck in her paws :(

It's like she wants to write her name in **** :p Dirty little minx! Anything at all we can do???
So Tony has been on a raw meat diet for 2 weeks now.

And I have to say I've really noticed a difference! He looks so healthy its crazy! He didn't look bad before but he's barely moulting compared to what he used to. His fur is softer. he just LOOKS better.

Check up tomorrow on his teeth to see if he still needs his op next week, fingers crossed he doesn't :)
So Tony has been on a raw meat diet for 2 weeks now.

And I have to say I've really noticed a difference! He looks so healthy its crazy! He didn't look bad before but he's barely moulting compared to what he used to. His fur is softer. he just LOOKS better.

Check up tomorrow on his teeth to see if he still needs his op next week, fingers crossed he doesn't :)

Glad to hear you've had success with this. Did you have to wean him on or did he take to it straight away? What are you mixing up for him? Need any advice?
I've just chucked Flint off my keyboard to come into this thread :)

What is it about sitting on desks? They seem to love it!
They're craving attention and since you're looking at the monitor they sit under it so you look at them instead.

My dog is too big to sit on the desk lol, but he will jump on my mouse arm to say hello.
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