Show us your kitty cats

DXP: out of interest, how did you know that the teeth needed to come out.
Was there any behaviour that was indicative of 4 bad teeth?
Took Holly in yesterday for tooth to be extracted and they took out 4 - poor little cat.

She is looking brighter today - running round but struggling to eat - We have three syringes with a pain killer in - we have to squirt this stuff in her mouth every 8 hours -- You try holding a cat down and putting something in their sore mouth - we have escaped unscathed so far.

Wallet has been hit with £350 so far.

Back to Vet tomorrow for post op check -- The Vet we use is the Leonard Brothers of TV fame - They are best Vets we have used so far - Other vets just gave cat an injection and did a quick check - These guys do a thorough check - Well the nice young blond vet did. - They are all first class.


I am glad Holly is feeling better :)

I have finally managed to get a collar on Snoopy and I think she looks very pretty in it :D

DXP: out of interest, how did you know that the teeth needed to come out.
Was there any behaviour that was indicative of 4 bad teeth?

We didn't know her teeth were bad - we took her in because we found scabby lumps on her back by her tail - looked like when people get psoriasis- - The Vet gave her a full check up and found a hole in a tooth which it turns out is a regular occurance - Once she was put out the Vet then used a probe to test all her teeth and found three others had holes under the gum down to nerve. - Seem these are pin holes not like we get rot on outside of teeth that end up going into root. - Was hard for me to see it when she pointed it out on first examination. - We felt really guilty about it but Vet said it's not your fault as normally the gum will grow over the hole to protect it- Which happens in wild.

Looking back on her feeding she did occasionally tilt her head to one side to chew on the lower side. - If your cat looks as though it is struggling to eat or chew take it to vet - a bill for £50 is better than £350

Couple of piccies of not my cat.

He doesn't normally do this. He just pops in to say hello, has a sniff around, does the exposed belly thing, and goes on his travels again.
My cat seems to have disappeared since last night. He is always desperate to go outside around 9pm but usually only stays out till midnight when I call and he comes flying back in. He's never been out all night before so I stayed up till about 1 to see if he came back but there is still no sign of him now! Getting a bit worried!
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My cat seems to have disappeared since last night. He is always desperate to go outside around 9pm but usually only stays out till midnight when I call and he comes flying back in. He's never been out all night before so I stayed up till about 1 to see if he came back but there is still no sign of him now! Getting a bit worried!


Ask about the neighbourhood if they've seen your cat, may of got stuck somewhere or shut in a garage.

I hope he comes back soon - it is a worry isn't it - Our Ronnie was lost from 3.00 in afternoon till 9.00 following morning - He had shot in garage when mrs's went to freezer - Thing that surprised me was he never set off the alarm - must have had is head down all night. - I was up and down edge of field till it got dark then opening door every 30 min and calling him.

Do hope he turns up safe and sound.

Luckily the gf is off work this week ill so I've got her hunting round outside while I'm in work, absolutely no sign of him anywhere though and she can't hear him. He's probably been shut inside somewhere stupid!
Is this a neighbours cat? If so, he might not be comfortable in his own home or territory. Any other cats about, roaming and dragging their balls around like they own the place?

Not any of my close neighbour's cat as far as I can tell, but obviously local. I see him most days, he looks like a well looked after cat, and I've seen him chase off a couple of cats opposite my house so would guess he can probably handle himself.

To Street, hope your cat turns up soon.
I'll have a hunt round when I get back from work, I think the gf has been round to a few houses but no one is in at the moment to check round the back.
Still no sign of my little dude. He's been gone for nearly two days now so am starting to think the worst. I spent most of the evening when I got back from work out looking for him but couldn't see or hear anything. It's weird because he never goes more than 3 houses in either direction and I doubt he's been hit by a car as he's terrified of them and the road! He won't even go around the front of the house, even if I'm carrying him as he sprints back in at the first sound of a car.

I'm going to print some posters today to stick up around the area and post through peoples doors when I get back from work. Going to be absolutely devastated if he doesn't show up! :(
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