Show us your kitty cats

its a black short hair thing.

Yep, can definitely agree on this.. Mine is a nightmare! Although, not as bad as he was now he's a bit older.




Not got any pics of the other cat.. I'll have to get some so she doesn't feel left out!
Holly our rescue cat of 5 yrs has been to Vet today - She has scabby lumps on her rump and tail base - so we booked in this morning - Now Holly has always been lazy - never wondered far and always begged for food - Wife being soft just gave in to those dark eyes and kept giving her food - Vet put her on scales and she weighed 6.47Kg --- So now she is on a strict diet - We came out £57 lighter with two packets of tablets - one for worms and one is antibiotic.

Now bad bit - she has a rotten tooth and we are taking her back tomorrow for scale and polish and extraction of one tooth but more if they find any more with decay. - Seems Vets charge for each tooth and not by time so we are looking at least £150 - Been expensive start to week.

We have basic cat insurance but leaving that for anything that is more serious - we have all touched wood nothing else comes up.

We had a Norweigen FOrest Cat (well, of course not official, no paperwork, but he had every single trait of one and looked identical to others).
He was the nicest cat we have ever owned. Grew so, so big, but just gorgeous.
I'd love an MC or NFC, but I don't fancy the idea of cutting **** out of their ass fur.

While it isn't particularly nice dealing with the dirty pantaloons of my 2 MC's it isn't too bad. It isn't like it is every day they have dirty pantaloons and usually i can cradle them like a baby and give their pantaloon area a good brush that gets the mess out. I also have wet wipes on stand by and this usually can sort the mess out without brushing. So not much of a problem.

I have had to cut out some masses of hair under both of their armpits though! I had been brushing them and their coats are great but was giving them a good cuddle and notices a lump of hair under the armpit and it was so bad had to cut it out so now keeping an eye on this area. And Kahn has an amazing ability to get a nice big clump of hair in his maine area on his neck. I have brushed it and get it all smooth only to look again in a couple of days and he has a great big matt of hair there again :confused:

But their coats are pretty easy to deal with, they are getting their long growth of hair now so their tummys look really bulging but its just their hair.
Thats a monster!!!

Have you got a picture of this specimen?

She doesn't look much - she is almost round with little short legs and small head - but by heck she is heavy - really solid.

Also she is hard to photograph as she is black with hint of ginger. She is also not happy with us at moment because we won't feed her on demand.


I'd love an MC or NFC, but I don't fancy the idea of cutting **** out of their ass fur.

I think it depends how long haired they are. We've never had a problem with that, to my knowledge.

He regularly comes in with half the garden trapped in his ruff and pantaloons. Those "sticky" seeds with the hooks on them are a right bugger to get out... He can get cranky and whip the wolverine claws out if you don't get them quick! ;)
just popped into the Vets to talk about Flea products as Frontline seems to have stopped working on my cats,
£48.61 for 6x Advocate :o
came home and checked online price's... ~£26
so i ended up phoning the Vet back and paid £18 for a perscription to send off to one of these cheaper online places, it better work after this outlay..
just popped into the Vets to talk about Flea products as Frontline seems to have stopped working on my cats,
£48.61 for 6x Advocate :o
came home and checked online price's... ~£26
so i ended up phoning the Vet back and paid £18 for a perscription to send off to one of these cheaper online places, it better work after this outlay..

Well you have only made a £4 saving by going to the online place though. Look for Advantage as its as good as Advocate but you don't need the prescription to get it online. I got 4 doses for just under a tenner. But advocate will work fine, and yes Frontline is useless pretty much.
^^ i scrapped the perscription, looking at the t&c's a perscription is only valid for 6 months, i thought it would last longer so it turns out theres not much saving to be made, so for now, ive just got back from the vet £27.52 lighter in the pocket for 3 advocate's :o
It's been a while so a few updates of our kittens/cats (not really sure now they are almost a year old!)

Alfie is the more photogenic (stupid) one, Georgie legs it at the sight of the camera -

Alfie -




Both of them -


Took Holly in yesterday for tooth to be extracted and they took out 4 - poor little cat.

She is looking brighter today - running round but struggling to eat - We have three syringes with a pain killer in - we have to squirt this stuff in her mouth every 8 hours -- You try holding a cat down and putting something in their sore mouth - we have escaped unscathed so far.

Wallet has been hit with £350 so far.

Back to Vet tomorrow for post op check -- The Vet we use is the Leonard Brothers of TV fame - They are best Vets we have used so far - Other vets just gave cat an injection and did a quick check - These guys do a thorough check - Well the nice young blond vet did. - They are all first class.

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