Show us your kitty cats

My two having a cuddle. Well, Billy is trying to have a cuddle but Kiwi doesn't look best pleased about having his personal space encroached upon!


They have been surprisingly OK with the fireworks. Luckily I haven't heard any screamers as I think that would have them in a frenzy but the bangs they seem fine with. The bigger bangs have them upright and paying attention though but they settle back down again quite quickly.
It's been two fireworks nights(well couple of weeks) since I was last at home with cats/rents. Before that they were not at all fans of any kind of fireworks. They often tried to force their way into our understairs cupboard and find a place to hide at the very back, or if the door was shut and they couldn't pry it open they'd run under the sofa. Rory, the fairly timid female cat was god damned terrified, wouldn't even come out for food. It was in west london and we get a helicopter go over randomly now and then, same reaction from her.

Theo our male cat is a lot bolder, while he hides during fireworks and we'd often here a large cat smash through the cat flap at about 800mph.... he likes food too much and would come out of his hiding spot to get fed then run back under sofa or where ever he chose.

Harvard, the pretentiously named cat from neighbours down the road who have basically abandoned him is just a nut case with fireworks. He runs in the house but he's a panicky and not quiet about it cat. No fearing for his life under furniture, he's full on run around the house like a psycho with every new cluster of explosions. He was abused as a cat though, he was a rescue cat but our pretentious neighbours from down the road(not american but religious and with 3 other non rescue cats also with ivy league names) decided he was too rowdy so basically threw him out at 7am and only let him back in at 10pm or so. Hence he ended up roaming the neighbourhood till he adopted us.... weakest cat flap + most food left out for cats = our third cat :p

Anyway, being a rescue cat he's always been skittish as hell and not surprised he takes fireworks worse than any other cat I've seen.
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We had two very loud booms earlier on and Holly who is in front of log burner and Ronnie who was on my lap never even twitched.

Lovely little cat you have there Will - and the rest - wish our two would cuddle up together.

wish our two would cuddle up together.

I have to be honest, this lasted for all of 2 minutes. Usually ends up with one trying to groom the other and going on a little too long and then the claws come out and they start wrestling and then move to opposite ends of the room.

I took a photo opportunity while I could :p
I have to be honest, this lasted for all of 2 minutes. Usually ends up with one trying to groom the other and going on a little too long and then the claws come out and they start wrestling and then move to opposite ends of the room.

I took a photo opportunity while I could :p

lol, that sounds so very familiar. 90% of the time them "cuddling" is actually just one deciding they want to sleep wherever the other one is, goes and flops down basically on top of them till the one being squished gives up and goes to sleep somewhere else.
Our cats certainly like a preheated chair. If you got up from sofa/dining table chairs to get a drink or something 9 out of 10 times you came back and found a furball in your seat.

They did cuddle quite often for probably the first 6-9 months but after that while friendly they don't really hang out with each other :(
lol, that sounds so very familiar. 90% of the time them "cuddling" is actually just one deciding they want to sleep wherever the other one is, goes and flops down basically on top of them till the one being squished gives up and goes to sleep somewhere else.
Our cats certainly like a preheated chair. If you got up from sofa/dining table chairs to get a drink or something 9 out of 10 times you came back and found a furball in your seat.

Spot on! And naturally, as if to call me a liar, they actually settled down together again and played nice for about 30mins! Something strange in the water tonight I think...

Mine likes to accompany me to collect the Sunday papers. Though to be honest she would probably follow me anywhere. Unfortunately living in a city and not being keen on the traffic she really does not want to come with me during the week and will meow loudly until I put her indoors. Love to see how she would get on in the countryside.
Which cat litter are people using? I'm trying to find one that my kittens aren't able to traipse all over the place.

Also, obligatory picture:

I use this but she does not use the tray that often these days as she now does her business outside.
But when she is caught short it is not so much her traipsing all over the place but kicking it out when she is burying her doings.
Catsan, getting a covered litter tray will help with a lot of the mess though :)

Thanks. I've already got one of the partial hooded trays (where the sides turn inwards) - do you think it's worth getting one of the fully hooded trays?

I use this but she does not use the tray that often these days as she now does her business outside.
But when she is caught short it is not so much her traipsing all over the place but kicking it out when she is burying her doings.

Funnily enough, that's the stuff I'm using at the moment. Good litter, but they seem to manage to get that stuff everywhere.
Thanks. I've already got one of the partial hooded trays (where the sides turn inwards) - do you think it's worth getting one of the fully hooded trays?

Mine has like a little cat flap on it, so they seem to shake a lot of the litter off bashing that open.

Worth a try if you ask me :)
Mine has like a little cat flap on it, so they seem to shake a lot of the litter off bashing that open.

Worth a try if you ask me :)

Worth keeping an eye out to make sure they'll use one. Mum bought our cat a new tray with a flap on it, he refused to use it and did a dirty protest overnight...

One ghetto mod to remove the flap and he's perfectly happy to use it now.
Sometimes it is just about showing them how to use it. I had to sit and watch when mine were sniffing around it as they wanted to go in but couldn't work out how, so I pushed the flap in for them but let it down on their head once half way through. This seemed to show them that the flap moved and wasn't going to eat them or whatever. Then the same on the way out, they would claw at it with their paws but not actually able to make it out.

Did this a few times and they worked it out eventually and now it is all good. No dirty protests, luckily.

Our kitten 'Thorin'
His pedigree name is Reshma Orion
He's a Norwegian Forest Cat.

Will get some better pictures when he has settled a little more. :)
He's a beauty.

I'm convinced the family cat is at least part Norwegian Forest Cat. Can't know for certain, he's a rescue. Got a lot of the characteristics - eye shape, fluffy tail, hobbit feet and the thick winter underfluff. Full of energy and real companion cats if he's typical.
He's very friendly. Seems a bit unsure of our Pug, Lola. Been a few hisses and stuff but he's only been here a few hours.

He seems a lot more comfortable now the initial shock of moving homes has passed.

His parents are massive, and from what the Mrs says, very friendly.
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