Show us your kitty cats

I posted this in my build thread but it's more appropriate in here :)


She'll sit in anything and claim it as her bed!
She feels like 6 stone but it is 6 kg - Vet said for her size we should aim at 3.5kg - so she is a idle fat obese little bugger - shame she doesn't have any kits as I would try getting child benefit for her. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

haha my friends rescue cat is 6.5kg should be 5kg according to the vets.

shes very lazy too,.

but when shes hungry shell sit at her bowl and meow and when you look at her shell stretch our her little paw like "please sir may i have some more" :p
Ronnie has been here over a year now and this is as close as Holly will let him - He would love to play but she hisses and growl's

Here they are in formation in front of fire.

Holly is imitating a seal tonight :)

Finally got a wee kitten tonight, had to drive to Edinburgh to get it though.

Turns out the people coming for the last one are from Hamilton too, from the area I grew up about 5 minutes walk away! Random as ****.

Crap pictures just now, having to keep Poppy and him apart for the next few days. Poppy can already smell somethings up though!

Think Cat wants to call him Oliver.

bought another scratching post and upgraded Poppys ****, she can now scratch at all her height and it gave us a wee one for the wee guy.

That's a rabbit in that last picture isn't it? :D

So many cute cats in here :(. I've got a scruffy furball but he's lovely :).

Hehe. Peanut is part maine **** so she has that distinctive chest fluff. God knows where the wee squished face comes from :)

Squeeeeee! At the tiny kitten! :)

Kiwi looks awesome, my Thierry was that small only a few months ago now look at him!

Peanut and Sushi were never that small as I think Peanut was 5 months when I got her, and Sushi was "apparently" 8 weeks, but me and the vet reckoned at least 13 for him.

All three are being absolutely amazing. Sushi and Kiwi have been playing all night, chasing each other, playing hide and seek behind doors etc and even had the odd head bump.

Kiwi and Peanut(which was my original worry story) have been awesome as well. Kiwi literally dived from the top of my sofa to her, and they ended up playing with each other. Passing Peanuts, wee toy back and forth for about an hour, and then they fell asleep together. The only downside was Kiwi woke up first and decided to slap Peanut awake...she woke up and slapped him across the room lol!!! TBH Sushi would get that as well if he did that and he is the main cat of this house and the oldest

KIiwi has been playing GTA with me for the last 2 attacking my screen, chasing the character. Silly sausage but he learnt after the fist bum slap that he cant do it.

I am so proud of Peanut and Sushi, haver adapted and accepted so quick. Probably because Sushi had his life ruined by peanut, and Peanut know hows how Sushi felt when she came along lol!!!
DXP55 If she's food focus try getting an active cat ball to put biscuits in, tilly has one and is good way to get her working for them.

You can get them from likes of pets at home and probably other pet shops
Apologies for the thread spam. Lol

Another day and more progress :) kiwi walked up to sushi, they had a wee head bump, then kiwi just lay down. They are both asleep now.

We've been looking to rescue a cat for the last few months, but every time we found one suitable for us, someone else had always reserved it (which is a good thing).

Upon trying to find another rescue home, we couldn't seem to locate it anywhere, so popped into the Vets which was near by to ask them if they knew where it could be. They also weren't too sure, but they mentioned that they had a cat brought into their practice and asked if we wanted to take a look at him.

Anyway, to cut the story short, we both instantly fell in love with him and are happy to say they we are picking him up later today. :)

They aren't too sure if he was in an accident, or whether some thugs were kicking him about, but he needed an emergency operation and unfortunately lost one of his eyes.

He's a very nervous little guy, they reckon maybe 3/4 months old, but we are going to give him lots of love and hope that he settles into our home as quick as he can. We've bought him lots of goodies, but will introduce slowly and at his pace.

Everyone meet Jack. Will update with more pics as soon as he isn't so shy.



Melting at the sight of him, poor little bugger, give him lots of love please.

Also, this isn't mine but what a awesome colour!

She is a wise old cat - as soon as laser pointer comes out she just flops over and looks at you and you see her thinking - "You must think I'm mad" There is no way I will catch that.

The feather on a stick is same - if she doesn't get it in first try she gives up.

Bone idle - lazy - she is just a food dustbin.:rolleyes:

Just thought of something - thread her pellets on a string and wave it around - :D

Get a kitten ;)

Our Jessie is starting to get a bit chubby, as she's so lazy, but since we got Ember, the last couple of days she's been a lot more playful! Obviously we have to keep an eye on them due to the size difference, but once Ember starts playing, Jessie can't help but join in :p
So I think Bruce is morphing into that famous cat from London Bob. He's taken to jumping up on me when I'm walking about and then sitting there. :D
(Please excuse my ugly face and the crappy pics - he was fidgeting)

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