Show us your kitty cats


Mafia boss cat ^

Totally in love with this wee guy. So much energy then just sleeps on you whatever which way!

He's been getting closer with poppy, just this morning he went and lay next to her on 'her' computer chair and there wasn't any growling or running away. She hangs around all inquisitive, shared the scratching post the last night and still plays with us in the same room but then goes in a grump.

Hopefully she stops being a moody cow soon enough.
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Mafia boss cat ^

Totally in love with this wee guy. So much energy then just sleeps on you whatever which way!

He's been getting closer with poppy, just this morning he went and lay next to her on 'her' computer chair and there wasn't any growling or running away. She hangs around all inquisitive, shared the scratching post the last night and still plays with us in the same room but then goes in a grump.

Hopefully she stops being a moody cow soon enough.

Don't look directly at... I'm blind! :D How do I turn back the clock on my kittens to make them cute likes yours! :D
Their mum is a black and white short haired, guess that's where they are getting their full on white from and their dad was a long haired fluffy cross thing (suspect mainecoon) I am reliably informed.

Aiko has an island on her back right area followed by her coloured tail. I love her half mask. :D

Whilst Haru is the one standing with his coloured left leg.

Love looking back at their old videos and pictures ^, it's only been 2 months and a bit!
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Ive just left Peanut at the vets :(

We noticed that he had a red spot/cut on his lower belly a few nights ago, and that he was bothering it a lot when he was cleaning himself. After checking the mark the next morning it looked like it had a scab on it, but otherwise he was fine - he wasnt complaining about anything and didnt seem like he was poorly

That night (Wednesday) I checked again and it looked like he had taken the scab off, but it wasnt bleeding. Thursday morning I checked again and the scab was back so made the first available appointment to get him into the vets

Here is me thinking that he has a cut or something and worrying that it might get infected etc. Turns out that there is a lump under his skin (under the cut) and that is what had been bothering him. its about the size of a £2 coin and twice as deep.

The vet tried to see if she could draw anything from it as she initially was going to send me home with antibiotics and see him again on Monday, but the fluid from the lump was clear so she is going to operate today.

I dont think its sunk in yet :( He was so scared and worried in the vets :(

Ive got to call this afternoon to see when I can go and pick him up. He will also have a cone of shame :o :eek: so he doesnt worry his stitches.

Im very worried....
Sorry to hear that TrixiBuG, hopefully it'll be ok.

It could also result in Peanut not minding the vets so much in the future, our mutt used to panic about the vets until he had to spend the night there after that he was ok about going.

Slightly off topic, is it normal (I'm not a cat owner) for cats to try and chase muntjac deer?
We had one in the garden the other morning and spent about 30 minutes watching it and a neighbours cat, with the cat stalking it and eventually having a half hearted attempt to chase it.
It was like something from a cartoon.
Dex rubbing it in that he is allowed on the sofa while Burt isn't..


And then proving that he is still the boss by stealing Burt's bed..

Sorry to hear that TrixiBuG, hopefully it'll be ok.

It could also result in Peanut not minding the vets so much in the future, our mutt used to panic about the vets until he had to spend the night there after that he was ok about going.

Slightly off topic, is it normal (I'm not a cat owner) for cats to try and chase muntjac deer?
We had one in the garden the other morning and spent about 30 minutes watching it and a neighbours cat, with the cat stalking it and eventually having a half hearted attempt to chase it.
It was like something from a cartoon.

My idiot cat Max (who is now 4) was chasing Sheep around when he was about 1. Fearless or idiot? You decide! :D
Slightly off topic, is it normal (I'm not a cat owner) for cats to try and chase muntjac deer?
We had one in the garden the other morning and spent about 30 minutes watching it and a neighbours cat, with the cat stalking it and eventually having a half hearted attempt to chase it.
It was like something from a cartoon.

They'll stalk anything they think they have a chance with knew a farm cat once that lived almost solely on a diet of wild rabbits some of which were as large as she was. Muntjacs are small but I think they're a bit too large to handle if you're worried about it. And before anyone starts going on about cats being killers I've seen dogs take rabbits too and knew of one that took down a fallow deer before anyone managed to regain control of it.
So he came home yesterday, at about 5pm. He was very very dopey

He was like this till about 9pm then he perked up a bit and was moving better

This morning its like nothing has happened, he is bouncing all over the place and was meowing for attention from about 6am :rolleyes:

Here is a picture of his stitches:


He is back in the vets on Monday morning for a check up. He is on antibiotics for now too. Need to wait for the results of the mass to see what it was
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