Blimey. I wish my cats would cover their crap. They never do. Like Duff-Man's they just defecate, then run out of the litter tray as fast as they can.
I don't know... It looks to me like it has been deliberately manipulated for artistic effect (though I'd be the first to admit I have no photography knowledge whatsoever).
Consider that the eyes are in perfect focus (no blur), but the rest of the head is almost uniformly blurred. This would not happen if the blur was due to motion (eyes would be blurred too), or due to focus (body would be differentially blurred, with the parts closest to the eyes in sharp focus).
^ Worse photo ever award? Were you jumping and down as you took it?
OK! I stand corrected! Worse photos effects ever award?
Hey! All comments meant in joke! But you said it yourself! The thread is about photos of your cats, so maybe showing a 'blur' wasn't the best move? Maybe post that in the "Post a blurred picture of your cat" thread?this thread is about showing photo's of your Cats not showing off lack of photo manipulation skills.
Lighten up man.
Tia and her favourite bit of furniture, taken when i was mucking about outside last weekend...
Just aquainting myself with photo shop for the first time thats all. Didnt mean to cause offense.
Looks like a nice old boy (am I right - it is an old dude cat isn't it?).