built a scratching post for the catio. that'll last the buggers.
sorry potato photo.
any ideas how to get my cat to use the scratch post?
she literally ignores it, same with her bed.
she sleeps on beds, rugs anything bar her nice comfy bed.
scratch post is no interest, rather digg her claws in the sofa or carpets or grass.
Animal Friends Insurance doesnt seem too bad policies from about £3.
any ideas how to get my cat to use the scratch post?
she literally ignores it, same with her bed.
she sleeps on beds, rugs anything bar her nice comfy bed.
scratch post is no interest, rather digg her claws in the sofa or carpets or grass.
any ideas how to get my cat to use the scratch post?
Do you allow your cats outside that cage or not?
not cage, catio.
no. we live next to a very busy road. they're 3 not and have always been indoor cats other than this summer when we built the catio.