Show us your kitty cats


Such a poser!
I've got to stop looking at this thread.

I really miss having a cat. :(

You need a cat, you need to rescue a kitten from a shelter to free up space for another kitten to be rescued....your rescue kitten will in turn, rescue you!


Did the vet give them the once over? They seem in good nick :)

Not yet. We picked them up Saturday morning, stayed at Ana's parents and then came home with them yesterday. We're letting them settle. They seem to be doing well.

Calvin would initially hiss when entering the room or going to stroke (despite the fact he wouldn't resist a cuddle) and Hobbes is getting more playful by the hour. He's definitely the adventurous one and likes playing with toy mice etc. Calvin is the more subdued calmer one of the two.

One thing, I really cannot fathom how small they are, the breeder claims they're almost 3 months. I would have expected them to be bigger, considering Rags are a large breed anyway.

I am wondering if they were being raised in a house with a few other kittens and were having trouble getting all the food they needed. They're a completely dry diet at the moment with biscuits left out so they can eat as often as they like. They seem to be going to it at least every 1-2 hours and pooping like a machine. Their fur already seems a bit better than what it was when we got them.

Once they're settled and used to the whole house we'll take them to the vets to see. I'm not sure when they will be due their first round of shots, I need to look it up.

In terms of diet we were going to keep them on dry food for now (they're several reports of rags living on a 100% dry diet) and when they're a bit bigger and mouths bigger than a 1 euro coin start trying them on wet kitten food to see what they prefer.

Watching them eat is hilarious, they share a food bowl and they can both almost completely get in it and chow down :D
Consider some fish for them to let the fish oil sort out their fur coats. I used to give my cat Jinx a single pilchard (from a tin of 5 pilchards) each day and after a couple of weeks her fur was as silky and shiney as anything. Now I get 1 tin a month and mix it in with dry food for a 5 day stretch then back to normal dry food for her. Just to keep her fur glossy :) The wee furrys loook amazing :D V V V V jealous :p
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Consider some fish for them to let the fish oil sort out their fur coats. I used to give my cat Jinx a single pilchard (from a tin of 5 pilchards) each day and after a couple of weeks her fur was as silky and shiney as anything. Now I get 1 tin a month and mix it in with dry food for a 5 day stretch then back to normal dry food for her. Just to keep her fur glossy :) The wee furrys loook amazing :D V V V V jealous :p

Will try some fish, thanks :)

I need to remember they're just kittens as well. Their coats will take time to develop.

I'm just hoping we start seeing muscle and bone growth over the next couple of weeks with a good diet.
Does anyone elses cat play fetch?

My cat is also called Bella :)

She loved playing fetch when I first got her (she was 8 months old). I'd throw those little foam balls down the stairs, and she'd race down after them and bring them back, dropping them beside me. After a week or so she stopped doing it and has never shown any interest since then in fetching anything.

Generally, my Bella gets bored of any game she's played more than a few times. Hard to keep up with what games are acceptable this week and what's become passe :p

Anway, question: does anyone have those Peek-A-Prize puzzle toy things? Saw one on My Cat From Hell (don't often watch that unless channel hopping), and it had different sized holes so the balls didn't all just come straight out right away.

The ones I've found are all like this:

...where the ball will fit in any hole and come out effortlessly. Now Bella loves trying to swipe at balls that have rolled just under the sofa, or are slightly inaccessible. Keeps her entertained for whole minutes (and this is about the best I can hope for!) But once the toys are out in the open she loses all interest. Cue me going round putting small toys just under the sofa or whatever :p

A puzzle box with different sized holes would be better than something that either a) the toy could never come out of, or b) would come out of any hole with little effort.

Anyone have such a thing?
Thank you! I'll try and stop spamming the thread so much :o

One thing, Calvin has a bit of an upset stomach and is having runny poos. We think it is because of stress of moving over the weekend and the changes they have both been through.

Will keep an eye on him, he is the quieter of the two and will happily sit on your lap when eating breakfast or the like so will give him plenty of cuddles and reassurances. On Friday they're going to the vets for an initial once over and some flea treatment as we found a flea last night.

Otherwise he plays etc so I think it's just taking him some time to adjust. Hopefully nothing serious.
Took my two to the cattery this morning as I'm off on holiday. As you can see, neither of them were impressed. :D

Pretty sure they're cursing you in that photo right there :D

Found out the kitties were exactly 3 months old yesterday. Now we know their birthday :)
Here're some of the recent shots of our kittens. I created an instagram account @_catdiaries_ for all my cat stories :)


This has to be the best cat picture ever and there's been some stunning one's :)

Can I use it as my screen saver please. :D

Thanks a lot. Sure you can :)

Here's another one of Sophie


And this is our mothership Muffin

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