Show us your kitty cats

Thanks guys. Just wish I knew what happened to her. She seemed so happy yesterday, purring really loudly after I gave her some treats and snuggling up on my lap. I just wasn't expecting this at all.

Sorry to put a downer on the thread, just needed to get it off my chest. At least she was content and happy till the end and was actually 17 not 15, so had quite a long life. Going to bury her under a tree in the garden she used to like sleeping under and plant some bluebells on top tomorrow.

MR_Punk, Thats adorable :).

Going by the age could have been anything, maybe she caught a chill etc
New addition to the household looks like a cute mouse in comparison to our first kitten ;)

Big one needs to be watched as he sometimes wants to eat small one whole :)
What are you feeding them? I don't remember it being that often, especially aft er they just moved in. I remember one of mine decided he was too good for the litter tray and decided to go on a bunch of old bank statements I was going to shred.

Also stick old papers in the box, cut some holes in the sides and hide their toys in it.

Just dry biscuits at the moment. They went to the vets for the first time to be given a once over and registered and he said that they have a lot of fleas but as Calvin has a bad stomach they can't be given flea treatment or vaccinations just yet and they need to gain some weight. They're 550g and 600g!

They've also been given treatment for worms. Which is why the vet thinks they were eating and pooing so much. He said they should pass the worms in the next day or so and begin to gain weight after that.

Calvin also has some medicine for his stomach and bowls which lasts a week. After that they can go back for their vaccinations and flea treatment. :)

Calvin already seems more active and playful tbh. And if we see a flea we pick it out and kill it. Going to buy s comb tomorrow to at least try and help the problem in the meantime.
Nobody ever mentions the poo before you get a kitten/cat! :D

Doesn't get any better as they get older either..

Hugo won't poo in anything other than a clean litter tray either, otherwise it's on the lino :rolleyes:

He will wait for you to clean one and jump straight in it before you even get a chance to put it on the floor. Damn near pulled the handle off one the other day.
One of my cats refuses to use litter. He'll only go next to the toilet. At least it's not far to transport it to its final destination.
Got these little ones back in April:


Fast-forward to this week and Eva and Pickles are now allowed outside to have a bit of a roam, if they can be bothered.



As they're allowed outside now I'm curious to see where it is they go. Has anyone had any joy with GPS tracking their cats?
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She's trouble!

I work from home and she has taken to chewing on my socks (still on my feet) while I'm on conference calls.

When sitting for breakfast or cooking quite honestly the kittens have the run of the whole room yet the best place for them to play tag or wrestle each other is clearly inbetween my feet :p
Wow, he's grown fast!

It wasn't until I looked at these photos I realised how much Calvin & Hobbes have grown in just 2 weeks!
The spiders will be your concern again when he's done with them. Forever cleaning up killed spiders, it's easier to deal with them myself rather than tread carefully in the morning lol.
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