Show us your kitty cats

Anyone else's cat like the rain.

Ronnie went out this morning into pouring rain and just raced round garden jumping into big grass plants - He came in about 2.30 soaked to skin just as though he was dry - He doesn't like being dried though and wouldn't sit on towel I put on my lap so I am damp as well :rolleyes:
I think Wilfred's having a bad day.

Hugo and Floyd had their annual jabs today, Floyd is now 5.5kg and weighs a kilo more than Hugo.. Hopefully he's stopped growing now at 3yrs, otherwise he's definitely got a bit of MC in him.
Lola's a bit under the weather, she's very quiet but when she goes to eat, or if she moves about, she's doing this little heaving thing. Not enough to put her off eating as she's just eaten, but she's definitely not herself. Any ideas? I'm hoping it's just a tummy bug. It's not like the thing they do when they have to cough up a hairball, it's much less of a heave than that.
Lola's a bit under the weather, she's very quiet but when she goes to eat, or if she moves about, she's doing this little heaving thing. Not enough to put her off eating as she's just eaten, but she's definitely not herself. Any ideas? I'm hoping it's just a tummy bug. It's not like the thing they do when they have to cough up a hairball, it's much less of a heave than that.

doesn't sound too good - i'd check shes not got anything caught in her mouth & maybe give her some grass but it'd be worth getting her to the vet, small animals like cats can deteriorate pretty quickly if something's wrong :(
Fingers crossed for her, hope its nothing serious.
Took C&H to the inlaws over the weekend. They didn't like being in the box but one of us sat in the back and they soon fell asleep on the journey. :)

Had a bit of a bed war this last week. Grabbed one of the cheap ALDI beds and Willow (smaller cat) took to it really quickly. As in didn't leave it for about a week bar eating and pooping! :D

Buffy on the other hand would come in and sit on the chair next to her and stare at the bed with an occasional hiss. At great expense (triple the cost!) I got her a bed of roughly the same proportions.

NOPE! Don't like that! So she slept anywhere but the bed. She'd go in it to retrieve treats and then run away from it like an idiot. Eventually got fed up trying to coax her into and left it on the sideboard for her to use at her leisure.

No change yesterday morning but Willow was pacing around, meowing and wouldn't sleep in her bed (the red one) and finally settled on the piano (obviously). I wasn't feeling so good and went for a nap. Came down a little after 5pm to find the red bed occupied with Buffy.

Turf war it is I guess! Looks like Willow has settled for the new bed though so I guess I win?

Just stroked the cat (a regular thing) and he's got a lump right on the spine near his tail about 1/3 inch maybe 5-10mm raised . It wasn't there earlier today seems like there's some sores on one side of it and he's not a fan if you touch those but the lump itself doesn't seem to bother him I'm guessing he's been bitten by something.

He's otherwise healthy running around like a moron and sleeping when ever he's not being a moron.

Will check again in morning before ringing the vet. Just before Christmas too right in the wallet.
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Could just be a hair mat. Mine used to get these when he'd have a wash then a snooze. Ended up with a mini dreadlock which would pull on the roots of the hair making the skin sensitive. He was a long-hair though - even with regular brushing it was necessary to get the scissors out and perform 'surgery' from time to time.
Took C&H to the inlaws over the weekend. They didn't like being in the box but one of us sat in the back and they soon fell asleep on the journey. :)


If only!

My girl screams/howls if you put her in the car (in a nice cosy wicker carrier with a soft bed in it...)
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