Show us your kitty cats

We had a couple of cats, ones nearly 16 and the other was close to 18. Sadly had to put her down last week as she had a quite a few problems. The younger one was distraught for days wondering where she was and TBH, so we were both as my partner had her since she was 8 weeks old.

So.. we picked up a couple of kittens on Sunday from a friend of a friend at a local farm. Settling in well, already litter trained which was easy and they're great with our 2 year old as they were born into a family with 3 kids!

Meet Pixel and Jess, just 9 weeks old!




This kitteh appeared in my back yard 3-4days ago and has been hanging round since (thought she was a neighbours as she has a collar on)

Came back from work at 4am this morning and shes sat soaking in the rain shivering and meowing away, I opened my back door and she ran in straight away and started eating Mr Jacks food (my tomcat)

She's gone through 2 pouches of kitty food and is now happily sleeping on an old coat in the spare room, I've stuck a found kitteh on facebook and will see if anything comes up or maybe nip to vet in a day or two see if shes chipped (she knows where the back door is so she can leave at any time but has shown no signs of that yet).

Mr Jack keeps coming to inspect her but she hisses and slaps at him and he walks off slowly (yeah whatever style)

So just rescued a cat and having spent to much time here looking at to many at pics i know knip is always petplan referral codes so send me one please knip
Thanks, look like absolute belters! :)

They are quite the characters! :D

Read little sods :p

I'll post some more pics up later.

Also Calvin has recently started doing this thing with wrappers of biscuits, chocolates etc, anything small and shiny...he goes mad for it, you give it to him, he'll take it in his mouth like a dog...then run away with it!

I've got a video :D
They are quite the characters! :D

Read little sods :p

I'll post some more pics up later.

Also Calvin has recently started doing this thing with wrappers of biscuits, chocolates etc, anything small and shiny...he goes mad for it, you give it to him, he'll take it in his mouth like a dog...then run away with it!

I've got a video :D

Our ginger moggie does this but with little pompom's she even has a special cry if you hold one above her head.

This kitteh appeared in my back yard 3-4days ago and has been hanging round since (thought she was a neighbours as she has a collar on)

Came back from work at 4am this morning and shes sat soaking in the rain shivering and meowing away, I opened my back door and she ran in straight away and started eating Mr Jacks food (my tomcat)

She's gone through 2 pouches of kitty food and is now happily sleeping on an old coat in the spare room, I've stuck a found kitteh on facebook and will see if anything comes up or maybe nip to vet in a day or two see if shes chipped (she knows where the back door is so she can leave at any time but has shown no signs of that yet).

Mr Jack keeps coming to inspect her but she hisses and slaps at him and he walks off slowly (yeah whatever style)


Update to this, took her down to the vets an hour ago and it turns out she is chipped and from 10 miles away from my house!, owners are on the way to the vets to pick her up now (I offered to drop her off but they cant give me there details obviously)

So I'm minus one temp kitteh, but you know what makes things better! more baby spiders!!! (tarantulas anyways):D
Update to this, took her down to the vets an hour ago and it turns out she is chipped and from 10 miles away from my house!, owners are on the way to the vets to pick her up now (I offered to drop her off but they cant give me there details obviously)

So I'm minus one temp kitteh, but you know what makes things better! more baby spiders!!! (tarantulas anyways):D

Good man :)
Got up to fetch another beer and returned to this...

Dont have the heart to shift him, so i'm now perched on the very edge of the seat...:rolleyes:
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