Show us your kitty cats

Our two pretending to be friends..

@VoG he's a MC, he's a gentle gint, I'll try for some better pics to show his size when I get the chance.

Here is one of him on my dads shoulder.

@VoG he's a MC, he's a gentle gint, I'll try for some better pics to show his size when I get the chance.

Here is one of him on my dads shoulder.

You've posted this pic before IRC. I remember thinking that's a seriously huge cat! I'd love a big fluffy MC, but I don't fancy the idea of cutting poop out of butt fur. :(
DSC_0170 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0163 by chris sharples, on Flickr

Kids (in no particular order of age. iirc they are 3 weeks old now.)

DSC_0012 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0202 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0193 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0142 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0171 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0155 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0152 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0151 by chris sharples, on Flickr

DSC_0164 by chris sharples, on Flickr

So much cuteness! :d
Sad news I am afraid. One of the kittens was a great deal smaller than the other 4 and we kept an eye on it more than the others. A few days ago he/she was meowing more than most but was mobile and came to us when we called it etc. It was feeding ok with mum. This morning my wife noticed it just lying on the blanket not doing much. It was breathing and reacted to our touch and looked at us but mum didn't want to know about it. As the hour passed its breathing slowed right down and became less responsive. Needless to say it passed. Sad times. The other four are fine and dandy. it's a shame as it was a really nice kitten. I am going to bury it in the garden next to my cat who passed just over a year ago.

The kitten that passed was the one in third picture I posted. :(
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Sad news I am afraid. One of the kittens was a great deal smaller than the other 4 and we kept an eye on it more than the others. A few days ago he/she was meowing more than most but was mobile and came to us when we called it etc. It was feeding ok with mum. This morning my wife noticed it just lying on the blanket not doing much. It was breathing and reacted to our touch and looked at us but mum didn't want to know about it. As the hours passed its breathing slowed right down and became less responsive. Needless to say it passed. Sad times. The other four are fine and dandy. it's a shame as it was a really nice kitten. I am going to bury it in the garden next to my cat who passed just over a year ago.

The kitten that passed was the one in third picture I posted. :(
Why not take it to a vet? Sounds like you noticed something wasn't right and had days/hours at least to go to a vet?
I don't get it, I've saved runts before just by actively intervening & taking over mommy duties, you know keeping it very warm, hand feeding, that kinda thing, sitting there & watching it pop it's clogs would not be an option for me.
Thing is every thing seemed ok. It had fed just before the wife noticed it being on the blanket. We did hand fed all of kittens last week as we thought mum was being hostile towards them but it was all good and didn't need to again. The fact it meowed more at the time a few days ago didn't trigger any issue as they all meowed and where all mobile and playing with each other. The breathing slowed down and it passed within the hour of us noticing the issue. I had to go to work before it passed. All this happened in an hour maybe a few mins longer from noticing it lying on blanket after a feed. So we didn't have days or hours to take it to the vet unfortunately.

Edit: I see why uyou thought we had hours as I put hours in my OP not hour.. Edited op to reflect this,

Edit2: We kept an eye on it since we realised it was smaller than the rest, maybe from a week old as the others grew faster but considering it was feeding and playing etc nothing suggested anything other than it was just smaller. It was only yesterday that something happened and it happened quick :(

Calvin & Hobbes. 9 months old!

Calvin is enormous, he's getting on for 5 and a half kilos and doesn't seem to be slowing down. In comparison you can comfortably pick up Hobbes with one hand, Calvin requires two!
Calvin and Hones are class :D

Sorry to hear the wee runt died. Perhaps it had some internal organ issues. You did your best and that's how it goes. If mum was rejecting it then she probably knew/smelt something wrong with it. That's nature.
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