Show us your kitty cats

My cat TJ has recently started sitting at the window and chirps and squeaks as if he is actually trying to talk to the birds in the hedge. Little odd ball lmao

Most cats do that :)

It's a shrill chirping, almost like the cat is trying to talk to them in bird language :p
Thanks v much McBain :) - I took some good photos on the camera the other week, just not had a chance to process them up!

No amazing photography here.... Just pure unadulterated cat filth. :D

EDIT: I'm aware the carpet is ming. Getting replaced soon lol.

Called wife in to look at this -- She said that has to be a male cat - all you men sit like that half ****** scratching your hob nobs
Soooo much fur everywhere, worth it though, this furry creature only ever gives out snuggles on his own terms, and thats not very often, so you take em when you get em...
No, I know, its a shame but it is the nature of the beast. I'm just glad my one cant catch birds or mice (the frogs live - no fun when they play dead). Humans, as a species, are often just as cruel to animals and we should know better! Its coming up to Easter.....Lambs don't do any harm either, and they also look cute!
After I posted that picture of Ronnie with his rabbit that number has risen to 7 so far and not been out to look around this morning - he makes horrible slurping and cracking noises when he eats them - starts at brain and works down.

Floozy looks so soft.
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