Show us your kitty cats

Gus went climbing again, I'm just stroking him he flies up there all on his own :cool:


I'd suggest a pavlovian approach, ring a bell - preferably a loud and high pitched one - every time you treat or feed him. Then if you need to find him walk around with the bell and he'll come running for treats. We've done this with out cat and when he when in high speed pursuit of a pheasant recently he immediately stopped and ran back to the bell.

Shake a box of crunchies or whatever the current popular dry food snacks are these days. They'll get the message soon enough and come running from goodness knows how many gardens away.
This is Mia and Stanley, 11 weeks old, Mia is a female the black and white one and mental as anything and Stan the grey chap who is just a chilled out guy.

We have a new kid on the block. - Big ginger and white tom

First thing this morning I saw my neighbour walking down his drive looking up the road - then Parcel force van stopped by him - then neighbour walked up drive and van slowly drove off and neighbour came back with a broom. - It seems Ronnie had just met the new kid - they were facing off in middle of road and neighbour used broom to separate them - Ronnie has puncture marks above his right eye and blood from his left cheek - He spent day in bed and looks fine at moment.

Will try and get him into vet tomorrow not just for bites but also his Asthma as he had a coughing fit a few days ago.

Cat's - worse than kids.
Let's hope Ronnie makes a full and speedy recovery. Most of the time these confrontations are little more than assertions of boundaries and will usually sort themselves out without to much real injuries.
Lol that advert comes too mind. 'It's miiine!'
Them claws don't half look sharp! I wouldn't argue with her.

She is actually an old softie and the only time we've ended up scratched is if she startles suddenly, jumps off your lap etc.

Also quite intelligent, recently taught herself to open drawers even the big ones on the side of the divan.
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