Yes. My two come harrassing us for food, then eat a small amount and are back to lazing in the shade.Anyone else's cat right off their food in the heat? Mine are eating a few biscuits but barely any wet food. They're not ill, just seem to be off their food.
I'd suggest a pavlovian approach, ring a bell - preferably a loud and high pitched one - every time you treat or feed him. Then if you need to find him walk around with the bell and he'll come running for treats. We've done this with out cat and when he when in high speed pursuit of a pheasant recently he immediately stopped and ran back to the bell.
My kitten doesn't have any class:
Oddly enough, mine is eating a lot more. Normally has 1 1/2 pouches, now is eating 2+ daily.
Lol that advert comes too mind. 'It's miiine!'
Them claws don't half look sharp! I wouldn't argue with her.