So we have had Lexi since Monday and the rescue just told us to put her with our older 3 year old rescue cat from the get-go.
This seemed to work pretty well, no real hissing to speak of but the older cat 'bats' her with his paw occasionally, since yesterday though, he has started pouncing on her and biting her scruff/neck, it doesn't look like its hard enough to hurt her, but she does squeak very loudly.
I know this is all part and parcel of them working out their hierarchy, but why does it seem like things are going backwards? They also do things like booping noses and they sleep quite close (but not next to) each other, seemingly giving the impression that the older cat is accepting of her.
We don't leave them together unsupervised, so when she has to go into her safe room and she's meowing, he does go around the house chirping at her. There is also some degree of chase behaviour, but its normally its our larger 3 year old that's chasing her and she often takes refuge under the bedside drawers where he can't get to her.
Even after altercations she comes bounding out like nothings happened and doesn't seem phased by it at all.
Any advise?