Yet another sneak attack this morning but first time it's actually been nasty in that older cat was kicking at kitten with back legs and making lots of noise, so Carl actually scruffed him to let him know that's not ok.
We are now considering the possibility of making the older cat indoor outdoor as he occasionally does go out but only when we let him, the hopes is it will give him an outlet so he won't bother the kitten so much and it will give him some much needed exercise as he's lazy and really needs it.
Does anyone think this will help? Feedback much appreciated.
Certainly worth a try though I must add that although my Millie is an indoor/outdoor cat being that she can come and go as she pleases, until recently her trips out have never been long than 10/15 minutes in length. She is staying out for a couple of hours now but she is always doing something out of character.
As for your bullying problem have you tried Feliway which is thought of as being helpful, did nothing for my cat but others have said it was useful?
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