Show us your kitty cats

Yet another sneak attack this morning but first time it's actually been nasty in that older cat was kicking at kitten with back legs and making lots of noise, so Carl actually scruffed him to let him know that's not ok.

We are now considering the possibility of making the older cat indoor outdoor as he occasionally does go out but only when we let him, the hopes is it will give him an outlet so he won't bother the kitten so much and it will give him some much needed exercise as he's lazy and really needs it.

Does anyone think this will help? Feedback much appreciated.

Certainly worth a try though I must add that although my Millie is an indoor/outdoor cat being that she can come and go as she pleases, until recently her trips out have never been long than 10/15 minutes in length. She is staying out for a couple of hours now but she is always doing something out of character.
As for your bullying problem have you tried Feliway which is thought of as being helpful, did nothing for my cat but others have said it was useful?
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Did the kitten seem at all put off by it or was it just another game?
You'll know if the kitten is being hurt as it'll squeal and run/not want to play anymore.
They're tough lil buggers tho and often play rough

Yes she was squealing and did run off when he let go so hence we know it wasn't just play. If it doesn't get any better with him we don't know what we'll do as we really do not want to give her up and eventually we are going to have to leave them alone together because it's not fair to her to live her days out in one room. Sometimes like last night she will instigate chase/play behaviour but 9 times out of 10 it's always him going after her.
Vet said try feliway friends so it's we've now ordered it. Seem to suggest like everyone said it's normal and will sort itself out and if doesn't get better still with feliway get microchip catflap and let him be indoor/outdoor.
Thanks will look into it we did come across feliway friends online and were considering getting that.
We didn't find the "feliway friends" to be as effective as the standard feliway, so thought to share this with you, although every cat is different and reacts differently, thats all you can do is try, maybe purchase one of each to see which is best in your situation.
We didn't find the "feliway friends" to be as effective as the standard feliway, so thought to share this with you, although every cat is different and reacts differently, thats all you can do is try, maybe purchase one of each to see which is best in your situation.

Thanks for this but we have gone with the friends one because we do feel the issue lies more with them getting along and him accepting her without feeling the need to be so overly dominant, it maybe is a bit territorial but at the same time she will get into his stuff and his food bowl without him batting an eyelid and doesn't even push her out and he's not really showing stress either. I think we would consider the normal one if the friends one didn't work out but hopefully it will because its a lot to spend for it not to work.
Stress shows in all sorts of ways with different cats. My cat seems to overgroom, while others ocasionallydont use the litter tray, some cry a bit more, some cats may eat less and others become more aggressive.

i would be surprised if a new cat didnt make your old one at least a little stressed for some time.

Put the Feliway in the room where your elder cat seems to hang out in the most. If you have a large house, you may need to consider a second one.
I think it'll just take a little time for them to get used to each other
It sounds quite similar to me introducing Oscar to Smudge. Oscar was 12 weeks and Smudge was about 12-18 months. Smudge would follow him around at first, pouncing out at him and chasing.
A few weeks later and things have turned around. As soon as Smudge comes in (she's allowed out but he isn't yet) he's either nudging her, getting licks or jumping on her back and attacking and they chase each other up and down the hallway and in and out of the rooms
Millie the poser, I am sure she knows what a camera is for.

The other day when it absolutely tipped it down Ronnie came in soaked - his fur stuck together like spikes on punk rockers head - didn't think I had got a decent picture but today I noticed he was sticking his tounge out at me- Also he must have been laying in Goose grass as he was covered in burrs - He doesn't seem bothered if he gets wet or not

Millie used to hate the rain so much so she would sit on the porch when I went to get the paper if it were raining instead of accompanying me.
Lately though she has been staying out much longer and not giving a toss about the rain, coming home looking like an otter. But she certainly loves the rough towelling dry i give her, weird cat.
we got our two bundles of fluff yesterday, Sherlock and Willow, I'll post some pictures later of them.

Super shy right now but they have full range of the living room. I can get quite close to both of them now, sherlock only hisses when I go directly at him with my arm, but lets me stroke him

Can anyone advise any decent wireless IP camera's so we can watch hem from outside the house when at work or during the night?
Two years this month since losing my cat, and I felt now was a good time for another, so say hello to Ozzy :D


He's 9 weeks old, got him on Monday, he's settled in very well, already litter trained. Will be booked into vets shortly for some jabs.
Our kittens tail is always very hooked, more so than any other cat I've seen, it doesn't seem broken and seems to have full movement.

Will this resolve itself as she grows?
Tilly is still hiding away and not eating/losing weight, they think it may be a dental issue so she's off in Friday morning to have the work done
Two years this month since losing my cat, and I felt now was a good time for another, so say hello to Ozzy :D


He's 9 weeks old, got him on Monday, he's settled in very well, already litter trained. Will be booked into vets shortly for some jabs.

What a handsome fellow.
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