Show us your kitty cats

Jade went in for her scans today and it's not good. It's her kidneys. The vet says she has one that is very enlarged and it looks like the other has been doing all the work up until now. She said there is a slight chance it's a infection so gave her a strong antibiotic that lasts for two weeks but she really thinks it's a growth and that we should make the most of the next few days with her. If we can't get her to eat by her next appointment on Monday then I have to make another terrible decision. The thing is, she is mostly her normal self doing her normal things, just not eating. I am not going to let her just waste away and keep her going just for the sake of it. She has to have a good quality of life so at the end of the day I will have to make a choice based on the best thing to do for her. I love her to bits but I am not going to stand by and have her suffer so come Monday if she still isn't eating there is really only one choice to make although it's going to break my heart again to do it.

I think this is why I haven't had another cat.

I had my last one for a month or two shy of twenty years and I was in bits when I had to have him put down.

Also, if I had a kitten, at my age, they'd be likely to outlast me as well.

Hoping your cat pulls through.
Thank you for the kind words. Jade is eating a little, certainly more than the past few days although she must be very hungry by now. As well as some treats I gave her a couple of the Sheba Perfect Portions tubs this morning, one chicken and one beef and she's eaten about three quarters of the chicken and about half of the beef. They are only 37.5g per tub but that is so much more than she has been eating. Last night she ate nothing at all apart from her treats so it's a small improvement. I am trying not to pin everything on false hope but it's hard not to when she is acting otherwise normally. We have had lots of cuddles, and tears today as well as her normal daily brush which she loves. I just have to hope that she keeps on eating and more of it.
Jade is still with us and has in fact stabilised although it's been a emotional roller coaster of a weekend. During the day on Saturday she ate quite well, around 80-90 grams so about a pouch worth along with a few treats. All was well until around 18.30 when her tummy started convulsing and she looked like she was going to be sick. I wasn't prepared for what happend next though as she projectile vomited Linda Blair style. I have never seen anything like it and it scared the hell out of Jade as she ran off before doing it again and again. Once her stomach was empty it thankfully stopped so I gave her a cuddle to settle her down before clearing up the mess. She was quiet all evening until bed time when she was "asking" for food. I did two bowls, one chicken, one beef of the 37.5g Sheba Perfect Portions and overnight she ate most of the chicken and a part of the beef. Come breakfast she was looking for food again so I did two different bowls again, one Sheba PP salmon and a Gourmet Perle chicken. She picked at them all morning and by dinnertime the Sheba was just about gone so I did her a chicken one. Again she picked at them during the afternoon as well as some treats so that by the end of the day she had eaten around 70-80 grams. I went into the kitchen after tea to find her eating ProPlan so I don't know how much of that she had eaten but the bowl was half empty although Abby had some during the day as well. Jade ate around 3/4 of a pouch overnight and kept everything in. She's peeing and pooing as normal and she is bright and cheerful. She was outside lying on the step last evening enjoying the light breeze when Wispa from next door managed to creep up to her and made the most weird chirp to her. Jade spun around, screamed at him and dived through the door. He's always had a soft spot for Jade and follows her around the garden since he was a kitten.

This morning came around and I have been dreading it all weekend. Did her breakfast as usual which she picked at and gave her her daily brush then gave her a big cuddle which like all weekend brought lot's of tears because I didn't know if she would be coming back home with me. Took her to the vets who gave her a good checking over and weighed her again. From the end of May to last Monday she had lost 1.2kg, another 200g from monday to Friday last week and no further weight loss now. Jade was being vocal and very uncooperative again when she was being examined. She took her temperature after much effort as Jade seemed to know what was going on and kept twisting her back end away from the vet like a flamenco dancer. Eventual she got Jade where she couldn't twist away (I was no help as I was laughing too much) and got the thermometer up her butt. Jades face was like the dog on Dr Doolittle when he had his temperature taken and it was sort of hellllooooooowwwwwwwww. Her temperature had gone back down to normal. The vet was very pleased with her progress and Jade is the opposite of what she had expected today. She gave her a vitamin jab to help her along and wants to see us back in two weeks as that's how long the antibiotics last and she will need another. This is on the provision that she doesn't suddenly go downhill in which case I will be on the phone straight away. So after all the fear and heartache of the weekend my beautiful baby is back home with us.

I know the inevitable will happen at some point and I wouldn't drag things out just for the sake of it. Jade is precious to me and there is no way I would let her suffer. She has miraculously somehow showing signs of recovery and is her usual bright and happy self again. Hopefully her eating will go back to normal although picking at her food all day long seems to be keeping her going and she isn't that far off what she would normally eat apart from it's not all in one go. Time will tell and every extra day with her is a gift not to be wasted.
Well, we had many weeks of one or both of our cats being sick, at least once a week. One week was horrific, I think it’s called regurgitation where a long line of the food that sits in their oesophagus comes back up, I’ve never seen anything like it, a column of about 10-15 inches of undigested food culminating in a load of fur at the end.

Anyway, I’ve started brushing them more frequently, at least twice a week and so far neither has been ill. Hopefully this along with anti fur ball treats should be enough to keep the now reduced amount of fur passing through them. They are indoor cats and many outdoor cats have the luxury of bushes and undergrowth pulling a lot of the loose fur out.
Its grooming that does it they effectively comb their fur with barbs on their tongue that gets swallowed and accumulates in the stomach until it gets too much when they cough it up usually outdoors. Incidently anyone who chews their hair has the same problem there was case some years ago I remember some girl who habitually chewed her long hair it built up in her stomach and unlike cats theres no mechanism for removing it so it builds up and believe it or not she died as a result of it.
Jade is still with us and has in fact stabilised although it's been a emotional roller coaster of a weekend. During the day on Saturday she ate quite well, around 80-90 grams so about a pouch worth along with a few treats. All was well until around 18.30 when her tummy started convulsing and she looked like she was going to be sick. I wasn't prepared for what happend next though as she projectile vomited Linda Blair style. I have never seen anything like it and it scared the hell out of Jade as she ran off before doing it again and again. Once her stomach was empty it thankfully stopped so I gave her a cuddle to settle her down before clearing up the mess. She was quiet all evening until bed time when she was "asking" for food. I did two bowls, one chicken, one beef of the 37.5g Sheba Perfect Portions and overnight she ate most of the chicken and a part of the beef. Come breakfast she was looking for food again so I did two different bowls again, one Sheba PP salmon and a Gourmet Perle chicken. She picked at them all morning and by dinnertime the Sheba was just about gone so I did her a chicken one. Again she picked at them during the afternoon as well as some treats so that by the end of the day she had eaten around 70-80 grams. I went into the kitchen after tea to find her eating ProPlan so I don't know how much of that she had eaten but the bowl was half empty although Abby had some during the day as well. Jade ate around 3/4 of a pouch overnight and kept everything in. She's peeing and pooing as normal and she is bright and cheerful. She was outside lying on the step last evening enjoying the light breeze when Wispa from next door managed to creep up to her and made the most weird chirp to her. Jade spun around, screamed at him and dived through the door. He's always had a soft spot for Jade and follows her around the garden since he was a kitten.

This morning came around and I have been dreading it all weekend. Did her breakfast as usual which she picked at and gave her her daily brush then gave her a big cuddle which like all weekend brought lot's of tears because I didn't know if she would be coming back home with me. Took her to the vets who gave her a good checking over and weighed her again. From the end of May to last Monday she had lost 1.2kg, another 200g from monday to Friday last week and no further weight loss now. Jade was being vocal and very uncooperative again when she was being examined. She took her temperature after much effort as Jade seemed to know what was going on and kept twisting her back end away from the vet like a flamenco dancer. Eventual she got Jade where she couldn't twist away (I was no help as I was laughing too much) and got the thermometer up her butt. Jades face was like the dog on Dr Doolittle when he had his temperature taken and it was sort of hellllooooooowwwwwwwww. Her temperature had gone back down to normal. The vet was very pleased with her progress and Jade is the opposite of what she had expected today. She gave her a vitamin jab to help her along and wants to see us back in two weeks as that's how long the antibiotics last and she will need another. This is on the provision that she doesn't suddenly go downhill in which case I will be on the phone straight away. So after all the fear and heartache of the weekend my beautiful baby is back home with us.

I know the inevitable will happen at some point and I wouldn't drag things out just for the sake of it. Jade is precious to me and there is no way I would let her suffer. She has miraculously somehow showing signs of recovery and is her usual bright and happy self again. Hopefully her eating will go back to normal although picking at her food all day long seems to be keeping her going and she isn't that far off what she would normally eat apart from it's not all in one go. Time will tell and every extra day with her is a gift not to be wasted.

I hope Jade makes a full recovery, fingers crossed for you and her.
Has anyone had experienced with matted hair. My 4 year old Maine **** has somehow started to develop lots of matts. He doesn't go out and other than the very odd matt he's had a brilliant coat all his life. He's been on the same food since he was a kitten so I've ruled that out and his grooming schedule (brushed every day) hasn't changed. There are no environmental changes I can see for him. I'm a little stumped.

EDIT - LOL at the starring out :)
Sitting here surfing and thought got to have a wee so nipped in bathrooom and there was Ronnie up the corner by the loo and saw this tail sticking out from behind a spray can - so moved can for him and what did he do - Dozy pillock poked it with his finger -woosh this shrew shot under back of toilet bowl so he gave up.
Now got a trap down and bathroom door closed tight - Last time he did this we had a huge mouse in bedroom till morning and got trap out - It was so big it got out of trap and left a trail of blood on skirting and carpet.
Sometimes cat's are stupid.

Ps. Got it - shame really as it was quite cute,.

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Fernley loves to lie across right in the middle of the hallway blocking three doors so no one can go anywhere...


He's taken to sleeping in our wardrobe on the towels if we leave the slidey door open. No complaints here - less chance of treading on him in the night as he likes to sleep on the rug at the foot of the bed and he is invisible when it is dark (and his eyes are shut!)
Fernley loves to lie across right in the middle of the hallway blocking three doors so no one can go anywhere...


He's taken to sleeping in our wardrobe on the towels if we leave the slidey door open. No complaints here - less chance of treading on him in the night as he likes to sleep on the rug at the foot of the bed and he is invisible when it is dark (and his eyes are shut!)

My mum used to leave a "cat towel" on top of others in acceptance that cat would get in and like to be there. Nice pic!!!
Ronnies done it again.
Got a mouse in kitchen so shoved him off and tried to catch it - missed it and it shot up under the built under freezer - took all skirting off and had good look under the units - no sign of it - looked closer and the little sod had gone staight up a tiny groove in front of a tray thing that fit's on bottom of freezer - so left a trap out but nothing next morning and no sign of it - So Ronnie must have injured it and it's died in this tray. So big idea was get multi tool out and cut off what I thought was a plastic front - No it's metal so left it - We are just waiting for the dead mouse smell - Also there is no way I am pulling the freezer out.

No picture as he has been a naughty boy
Ronnies done it again.
Got a mouse in kitchen so shoved him off and tried to catch it - missed it and it shot up under the built under freezer - took all skirting off and had good look under the units - no sign of it - looked closer and the little sod had gone staight up a tiny groove in front of a tray thing that fit's on bottom of freezer - so left a trap out but nothing next morning and no sign of it - So Ronnie must have injured it and it's died in this tray. So big idea was get multi tool out and cut off what I thought was a plastic front - No it's metal so left it - We are just waiting for the dead mouse smell - Also there is no way I am pulling the freezer out.

No picture as he has been a naughty boy

Hoover for suction? Or one of those flexible grippers (got one off eBay when my wedding ring fell through floorboards into gap in two brick walls!!)
Absolutely no room - there are two rails -one on either side and this drawer either slides in from front or rear - I was going to drill a hole in front of tray but it isn't deep enough - I presume it's for moisture dropping from freezer and it just catches it then it evaporates.

If the wife lost her ring I would just use a magnet. :)

ps - the outlet grill for the fan is right in front of this tray -that is what I was going to cut off but it looks structural - Plastric I would have just cut it off.
Absolutely no room - there are two rails -one on either side and this drawer either slides in from front or rear - I was going to drill a hole in front of tray but it isn't deep enough - I presume it's for moisture dropping from freezer and it just catches it then it eveporates.

If the wife lost her ring I would just use a magnet. :)

ps - the outlet grill for the fan is right in front of this tray -that is what I was going to cut off but it looks structural - Plastric I would have just cut it off.

Ring & magnet for a GOLD ring? I recovered it... and then unfortunately lost it a couple years later... :(
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