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No peace when trying to go to the toilet

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Kitten age is amazing fun. Keep taking pics and video, especially video, as when they are big in 4-6 months that's them for 13+ years and you forget how small they were. Videos are a great way to reminisce when they were tiny :D
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Berty is too big for that now and Rusty hasn't discovered the joy... yet
How big is Berty?
Smudge is fully grown and around 5Kg'ish, but loves to snuggle up and burrow in places.
She was found in the local woods as a young adult, so I've only had her for about 8-9 years.

Took this pic the first day I brought her home from the vet after being spayed.
I wrapped her in an old t-shirt and she started making biscuits.

Update on Oscar. He's out of the cage now and happy to have some freedom around the house.
He's seems to be able to walk around without issue, but is taking the stairs slowly- one step at a time. It might be a while yet before he's able to jump up to the counters etc again.
I think he's going to be an indoor cat for now at least.
How big is Berty?
Smudge is fully grown and around 5Kg'ish, but loves to snuggle up and burrow in places.

She was found in the local woods as a young adult, so I've only had her for about 8-9 years.

Took this pic the first day I brought her home from the vet after being spayed.
I wrapped her in an old t-shirt and she started making biscuits.

Update on Oscar. He's out of the cage now and happy to have some freedom around the house.
He's seems to be able to walk around without issue, but is taking the stairs slowly- one step at a time. It might be a while yet before he's able to jump up to the counters etc again.
I think he's going to be an indoor cat for now at least.

He's not a really big cat but my pants aren't big enough because he can't fit in them anymore, he'd like to though :cry: He does love to tunnel into/under things. He still loves to go under the duvet and if I'm making the bed he loves to get under the bed sheet and inside the duvet cover. He's a bloody nightmare to get out of there.
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It's lovely to see Berty being so gentle during play.
I'm not sure I'd trust Oscar to play so nicely, he's all claws.. Smudge still doesn't like him after almost 8 years :(
She's also one to dive into the sheets and duvet cover if she's there when you're throwing them on the bed.
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Daisy had two stages of belly rub and they were: I've not been to sleep yet, bugger off and I've been to sleep and my tummy is now ready for massive belly rubs :D
Rusty is so funny. He is constantly starting fights, Bert is super gentle but eventually ends up pinning him down with his weight for a few seconds at which point Rusty screams like he's being hurt, Bert lets him go and he immediately attacks again :cry:

I couldn't be any more pleased with how he's settled in and how Bert has taken him under his paw. He really is an amazing big brother to him and by the time he's a year old he'll be tough as hell after all this time training with bigger boys.

Slowly getting Ronnie used to a harness however silly it sounds haha
He's outside a lot, but I would prefer to have him in a harness for vet visits (he hid under the table while their and it wasn't fun getting him out haha) and I do want to take him to see his grandma and grandad from time to time.
He's a very antisocial cat he hates everyone and everything but me. Really want to change this if I can.
I'm thinking it's mostly because he's never had interactions with other people for the most part. He's bonded to me and pretty much only sees me.
Mam and dad come around sometimes, he initially runs away but once he knows who it is hes fine.
Also got a carrier backpack style instead of his massive carrier so he can see more as he does apear to be interested in thing's. So I can take him to vets/mam's, maybe go on a few walks further away from home. and he can sit inside if he wishes but can still see outside (all mesh bag) or pop his head out the top.

Not going to force him into anything. I'll give it a try once and see how he reacts, baby steps. If he reacts badly not going to force the issue and stop straight away. I'll still use the harness etc but just for vet visits.

Hoping it's just he hasn't had experiences and giving him a safe way will help. Hate how scared he is of everything/everyone.
Eventually I would love to be able to take him on walks to place's he would never see otherwise (leashed inside the carrie). Or take him to my folks when I visit to get him some more interaction (kept on harness and leash). Yes crazy cat dad :rolleyes:

He doesn't seem to mind the harness at all (just a simple one so it doesn't compress his fur) running around and playing as normal.even with the leash. Did help with positive treat reinforcing :)


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