Show us your kitty cats

Hopefully the renal issues are manageable.

No health issues that I'm aware of for Angel. We inherited her nearly three years ago so don't know all of her history. But she has had two annual checkups since and no concerns raised by the vet. She has vomited a few times recently so I'll discuss that at her next checkup in a couple of months. It mostly happens after eating grass so I'm not too concerned at this point. She is a house cat and rarely goes out beyond our garden which may explain why she's managed to get to a good age without anything significant. Luckily we have a fairly large garden so she has plenty of room to roam. But she has noticably slowed down recently and I'm thinking of making little steps or ladders up to her favourite spots to make things easier for her.

It made me laugh that when I had my broken leg still in a full cast, resting on a stool with cushions on, she used to fight me for the cushions. I would hobble out to the kitchen on crutches and come back to find she had stolen the spot. As soon as I entered the room she would make a dash for it before I got there :) We would end up compromising with her having 80% of the cushions and I would precariously perch my broken leg on the remaining edge.

Not having owned cats before it really surprised me how affectionate and talkative they can be. We definitely have back and forth conversations. Love her to bits.
Thanks buddy, yeh it's been a long journey over the last few years with the renal issues. Thanks to her accepting her renal diet, drinking from the water fountain and adding phosphate binders to her food I managed to get her kidney blood levels from stage 2 to just barely stage 1 and besides some little dental issues she is in great health. I've had her since she was a kitten, she's my life.

Glad your little one is doing well! She sounds like a little cheeky one as all cats should be haha. What does her vomit look like? White foam or recent food? Do they do bloods on her check up?
Well it's been about a year of Napoleon and Andromeda and they still utterly adorable! Thankfully they've grown to somewhat like each other, or at least tolerate Napoleon's antics and neediness... We're all very attached to them :D




I picked up our new kittens on Thursday and they were good as gold for the whole hour and three quarters drive home. I left them in the carry case while I got things set for them. Abby who was 13 on Monday heard me come in and came downstairs to greet me saw the carrier and went to investigate. She had a sniff and went straight into hissing and growling mode. The kittens were looking at her as if to say what the hell is that. Abby promptly went outside so I took the kittens into the living room and opened the carrier. They slowly came out sniffing and looking around and started exploring. They were very nervous as expected but gradually explored the living room and found their safe spot, right at the back under the sofa. They were very nervous around people for a few days but I don't think that they have had much human contact as they were shut in a dark room with their mother. I have spent the last few days playing with them and just being in the room with them and they have grown in their confidence and will now come to me, sit on my lap for cuddles, cry when I leave the room and purr their heads off to greet me in the mornings. They don't like the telephone or fast jets!! They are eating very well and have loads of toys to play with although I have to get them all out from under various bits of furniture every morning. Oscar is the more adventurous one but at the same time is the most timid. Cleo came to me from the very start and she is a little darling with such a cute face. They were 11 weeks old on Sunday and being brother and sister they truly are inseparable and do everything together. They had their first vaccination on Friday as well as a health check and the vet was very pleased with them. The neighbours who are all cat owners have popped in to see the cuties and all want to take them home. Tough, they are mine. Abby is still not happy even though she has been getting even more attention than usual so she doesn't feel left out so I bought some Feliway Friends to try. Whether it works or is just snake oil remains to be seen and I will update the situation in a week or so. The kittens are just adorable and have such a cute little squee cry. When old enough they will be neutered and microchipped at the same time. After I finally got my phone talking to my pc here are some pictures.

Feeding time not long after we got home.

Cleo, how can anyone resist that gorgeous little face?

Nap time, so much for spending £16 on a lovely fluffy bed!

Oscar, poor photo as he never stays still long enough.

Cleo using my leg as a climbing frame and both legs are cut to ribbons!

I will get some more pictures over the next few days, especially of Oscar as all the ones I have taken of him have turned out to be blurry as he is so active. I also forgot how exhausting it was watching kittens play, especially when there are a pair of them.
Used to have 3 cats, but had to put down my last boy early this year, due to a heart problem.

Went to a cat rescue just over a week ago to have a chat and look at some cats. Saw a lovely pair, brother and sister, just a year old.
Place said they'd get back in touch with me, but nothing so far.

Think it's all thanks to my neighbour, the fence between our gardens has been broken for years and they've refused to fix it. The cat people were concerned I didn't have a "secure" garden.

I know I can go out and buy some kittens easy enough, but was really hoping to help out some rescues.
It's daft, isn't it? Like a garden fence makes any difference to a cat.

Lol yes. I have a 6ft tall brick wall down one side and the cat doesn't even do a run-up to make that jump: just the crouch, wiggle bum 3 times and then leap.

I think the "secure" thing is more about if your neighbour has a dog that could get in - but yes, agree that rescues can seem rather picky at times ! @DEL 707 Maybe just do something your side to block off gaps - I guess it depends how knackered the fence is !
We have had the kittens just over a week now and I swear that Oscar is already bigger than Cleo. They have settled in really well and are running me ragged. As I am already silver haired I seem to be moving to white now after some of the things they have been doing. We have a major problem with Abby in that she will not accept them and is very aggressive towards them. As expected Feliway does nothing, and the kittens remain confined to the living room when Abby is in the house. I fear this is making things worse as they have no contact with each other plus Abby can no longer come into the living room. On top of that I can't help but feel it's borderline cruel to keep the kittens from roaming the house. There must be some way to get Abby to come around to them but whatever it is is escaping me. I would be very grateful for any advice from other cat owners (slaves) who have gotten around a similar scenario.

Here's a couple more pictures:-

Oscar staying still for once.

Nap time last evening next to me on the sofa.
Thanks for that steve. Looks odd when a well built man is sitting bleary eyed due to missing his cat. I don't GAF what people think when they see me just now. I got that cat after my divorce and she was with me, keeping me company, the last 14 years. At bedtime last night I asked my wife (yes I remarried :D ) the usual "was the back door locked, front door locked, was Jinx in the kitchen....." and I stopped mid sentence, hit me hard then too :(
Thanks for that steve. Looks odd when a well built man is sitting bleary eyed due to missing his cat. I don't GAF what people think when they see me just now. I got that cat after my divorce and she was with me, keeping me company, the last 14 years. At bedtime last night I asked my wife (yes I remarried :D ) the usual "was the back door locked, front door locked, was Jinx in the kitchen....." and I stopped mid sentence, hit me hard then too :(
It's really difficult for a while. We still keep slipping up and calling the other cat by his name. You are not alone. I can't even talk about Sky without blubbing still. I had him 14 years, got him age 2 from Cat Protection. He got me through some dark and lonely times. He was my rock.

The Mrs says we aren't getting another as she doesn't want to go through that again. She knows TJ will be soon too as he is 6 month younger and is feeling so lonely. Still cries out for his bro every night.
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