Show us your kitty cats

Cat bed? Blankets ?

Nope, the recycling basket under the boiler is fine, thanks :D


cracking looking cat :) im convinced i could draw a circle on the floor and the cats would sleep in it lol
This is Ronnie'
Poor lad has finally realised he is a OAP. Since this new black cat has turned up and beat him up a few times he has realised it isn't worth roaming fields and gardens so he stays just in our garden most of the time - If we are out there he sit's with us knowing he is safe.
He has got into the habbit of putting himself to bed now in the afternoon so I draw curtains and he sleeps from noon till tea time where he gets up and goes out for 30 min or so.
he then comes in and stays in to next morning or waking wife up to open window to go out to loo. He is not litter trained.
Yesterday we were in garden by fence and he was in field then decided to join us so he came to the fence which is like 5 bar gate and climbed up fence like climing a ladder - before he just jumped up and over.

So now he isn't the streamline cat he was.

Ok, so after everything went wrong with our last attempt at getting a cat, which resulted in him going back to the breeder, we have put down a deposit on a kitten. Only six weeks old at the moment, so won't be picking him up until end of November, so gives us time to prepare properly this time. He's a pedigree Ragdoll, from a local breeder. Name suggestions greatly appreciated :p

This is Ronnie'
Poor lad has finally realised he is a OAP. Since this new black cat has turned up and beat him up a few times he has realised it isn't worth roaming fields and gardens so he stays just in our garden most of the time - If we are out there he sit's with us knowing he is safe.
He has got into the habbit of putting himself to bed now in the afternoon so I draw curtains and he sleeps from noon till tea time where he gets up and goes out for 30 min or so.
he then comes in and stays in to next morning or waking wife up to open window to go out to loo. He is not litter trained.
Yesterday we were in garden by fence and he was in field then decided to join us so he came to the fence which is like 5 bar gate and climbed up fence like climing a ladder - before he just jumped up and over.

So now he isn't the streamline cat he was.

Aww. Poor old lad. He's even starting to resemble the late great Grumpy Cat.
Neighbour came banging on front door to tell us Ronnie has been in a fight with the black cat - He limped round to back door and looks like he has a problem with his left leg -At moment he won't let us look at - so we have a few antibiotics and painkillers from the last beating so been giving them to him crushed up in bit of double cream - No problem there he just wops it down him.
Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. We can then have a proper look at him- at moment he is all claws and teeth.
That bloody black cat is a PITA.
Leo and Sid have been growing like weeds, 16 weeks and when they stand up properly are the size of fully grown cats already.

Leo has had some issues with the litter boxes, so today deep cleaned the carpets, new and a variety of different litter trays shapes and sizes, and some attracting litter.

So far 4 for 4, fingers crossed this continues

Sid is also an absolute cuddlebug, he also nearly caught a pigeon earlier! Both are in this week for neutering.




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Neighbour came banging on front door to tell us Ronnie has been in a fight with the black cat - He limped round to back door and looks like he has a problem with his left leg -At moment he won't let us look at - so we have a few antibiotics and painkillers from the last beating so been giving them to him crushed up in bit of double cream - No problem there he just wops it down him.
Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. We can then have a proper look at him- at moment he is all claws and teeth.
That bloody black cat is a PITA.

Always found tuna to be the perfect thing to put crushed up pills in. What cat doesn't love tuna and just gulp it down.

Hope Ronnie fixes up.
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