Show us your kitty cats

1 Jun 2012


man, those eyes are gorgeous
13 Jan 2006
some might remember my search for some cat food that was as close to a raw diet as possible.

ive been feeding this for about a month.[/IMG

Example ingredients.think there is 95% meat content minimum.


you can see chunks of organ in it and it stinks :p



But Blaze loves the stuff and i think he looks healthier. he has so much energy too.


i buy it from zooplus, for 18 cans i pay £26 which lasts him about 3 weeks.

zooplus do a discount thing you pay yearly, think its £5 and you save a % on each order. on £25 i save £1.25 and get quidco cash back of about £1 per order. ive made my money back on the discount purchase now so i just save each time.

with postage it works out about £9 a week for food for him. im happy to pay it as it is so much better than Whiskers or Felix etc which only has something like 4% meat in it!

i recommend it to anyone, just get a container to put the open can in.
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15 Mar 2010
I doubt thats 96% raw for that have to be so careful with what they state and what is fact. Your muscle meat content is the most important here and your only at 43% then, they are packing it full of liver at 20%, thats way loads (the suggested max is 5%).

Both Macs and OmNomNom are still consistently higher but you pay more, though your not feeding it whiskas so its all good at the end of the day and thats still a reasonably quality product.
Is always worth trying a few products out, thehappykittycompany is a great alternative to zooplus and has exclusivity of a lot of hard to get German foods.
26 Apr 2004
We've had my sister in laws cat staying with us for a few days so far. Spent the first 2 hidden either behind the washing machine or behind the tv. Once the kids are in bed, she comes out for a play!

17 Jan 2005
Dexter made a new friend last night..


He was a bit nervous at first but soon couldn't leave her alone! It's the first time he's seen a dog, luckily she was quite calm about it and didn't want to chase him! :)
19 Jun 2012
My cat and best mate has been missing from home for 10 days. I'm gutted he never goes out for more than a few hours normally although there has been a new big cat in the neighbourhood recently.

Any stories of cats coming back after this length of time?

Any news on this?

Yes they can go missing and turn up again. One of ours went missing for about 10 days last year, and then just strolled back in one morning. We had feared the worst and were devestated, but he walked in like nothing had ever happened!

There are several reasons why they dont come home.

A 'kind' person somewhere on the estate thinks that a cat out in the cold and wet is cruel, so they 'take them in' and look after them. Which is nice, but not helpful! Particulalry seing as one of our cats is on a special diet. Normal food gives him crystals in his eurethra, and will eventually kill him.

They get scared and go into survival mode. This usually means they hole up somewhere and wont come out. If you know roughly where he goes, it is best to try looking for him. Under bushes, or anything in gardens he could use as a hiding place. Call him as you go. You do feel like a bit of a numpty walking round and calling, as well as knocking on doors and asking to check garages and gardens though!

They have gone wandering for a mate. Not a lot you can do, but cats have amazing noses, and he can find his way back if lost. It is generally advised to hang out his bedding or anything else that will strongly give off scent of himself, and his home. We used our cats blanket, and also sprinkled the contents of the litter tray over the front and rear garden. Also, if he has a regular pattern when he tends to go out, go for a drive around the estate, and adjacent areas around those times and see if you can spot him.

They get locked in a shed/garage. Only thing to do is go door to door and also call him as you go. Call, listen, call, listen. My wife and I did that at nearly every garage on the estate when ours went missing. You feel a bit daft though, as I said!

They have been killed (sad but true). Sometimes if they are hit by a car they survive long enough to run away, but generally take cover where they are hard to see and then die of their injuries. :(

They have been stolen - only really applicable if they are a desired pure breed etc. Check online for cats for sale, and see if you can spot any cats that are suspiciously similar to yours! Register with vets etc.

We put a small leaflet together with a photo, description and contact details and did a leaflet drop to nearly every house on the estate. We also registered with as many vets and animal charities as we could in case he had been injured and taken to a vet. There are online places you can register him as lost as well.

One thing I do know, is that we found out an awful lot about his movements and habits from neighbours. Which kind of didnt help then, but do now in case he goes missing again.

Was he chipped? When ours went missing he wasn't, and only a couple of days before he had lost his collar in a fight! So we were not hopeful.

When he came home I could have kissed him and killed him at the same time! :D
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