Show us your kitty cats

It's been a while so celebrate them both turning 3 here's a little bit of peak Andromeda and Napoleon :cool:



The best we've done is train them not to jump up on the counters while we are in the room. As soon as we aren't around, they're all over it.

Yeah I suspect this is as far as I'll be able to get as well!

On another note, has anyone ever used a Litter Genie or similar thing?

The refills for it seem a bit pricey but it looks like there are cheap generic ones available. Just wondering whether they're actually any good, living in a flat and being a bit lazy means I often can't be bothered to take used cat litter out to the bins, something like this could be handy.
There seems to be a massive increase in the number of ticks around this year up here. I have gotten 5 off Ozzy in the past week and several more I found wandering around in his thick coat. I hate the filthy things!! He is up to date with his spot on so it looks like they have developed a immunity to Frontline and Effipro. Next to try is Fleavox which is ordered and on the way to me.

This is another reason that cuddles is so important. Not only does it strengthen the bond between cat and human (it also relaxes me), it's the perfect time to check for injuries, wounds and filthy beasties. Now I am itchy again!!
Doh, last year was ok for ticks, the year before was awful.
Guess it could be another bad year then....
I still have a red dot where one bite me the other year. Lucky saw it before it made it to my blood, as it was one of the nasty dear ticks.
Took Ronnie to Vet today for a check up on how the pills have done. The vet was pleased as she could see his ear drum -Not a lot of wax and both ear canals felt the same so she said he is doing fine and is OK - Just as a precaution we have to give him some ear drops twice a week and that's about 0,02mill.
He is good in cat box -he just settles down and goes to sleep -He did whine at me for hitting a few pot holes and waking him up though.
Just back from the vet with Vega, he's been acting a bit subdued and snoozy for the past week or so which I'd largely put down to the warmer weather we're suddenly having up here, but after I woke up earlier he really didn't seem himself and was holding one eye half-closed. Looks like he's picked up conjunctivitis in one eye, so I've got a cream to put on it twice a day for the next week. All okay otherwise though which is a relief as it gave me a little bit of a scare, so hopefully he's back up to normal speed again soon. He is staying off the kitchen counters though so I guess that's a plus! :rolleyes:

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