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Posted in the BMW thread but might as well add them in here as well :)

Not the best pictures in the world, or angles but it's just parked on the drive, I have some others from my phone which I took when it was brighter and they show the colour better (le mans blue)




Beautiful 335! One of the best interior trim combinations in my opinion. The paint colour is nice too, though you do see quite a few around in Le Mans blue. :)

Thanks! 325i and not a 335i unfortunately so not quite as quick, still quick enough for my needs and had a very nice spec list as well as the trim colour combo :)

Edit: started replying then got sidetracked walking the dog to the pub for a brief pint...
Thanks! 325i and not a 335i unfortunately so not quite as quick, still quick enough for my needs and had a very nice spec list as well as the trim colour combo :)

Edit: started replying then got sidetracked walking the dog to the pub for a brief pint...

You've given the game away now! :p
Cut the grass this morning thought I'd get a few shots, Rosso Mondiale always seems to 'pop' very well in the sun makes it feel a bit more exotic



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