Show Us Your Motors!

Here's our latest household motor, not mine but i'm insured to drive it so as good as :

Porsche Turbo sept 08 model. 0-60 in 3.7s
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not quite sure why you would take the photo at that angle tbh, not the best view of the car.... unless you wanted to show off the house as well :p
also, sept 58, rather than 08 surely? :p

anyway, its perfectly possible that the time and date on the camera is wrong.
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Took it myself it was purchased in 08. I have not got the correct date and time in my SLR, hell the battery is out of it half the time, plus the 5d I took it on is now sold anyways.
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Wow your house and car is so much better than mine (I think thats the answer you were hoping for :p)

Tbh not at all, the picture was taken last year, I just spotted this thread today, downsized an image I already had, and re-uploaded it. And i'm damn sure a lot of people here have similar cars and better houses, don't the owners of OCuk have mid-high end ferrari's? So with the sly comment / indirect claim of me posting it up as a "willy measuring" contest was true, i'm pretty sure i'd lose.
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Who sets up their camera with the correct time and dates these days.


Took it myself it was purchased in 08. I have not got the correct date and time in my SLR, hell the battery is out of it half the time, plus the 5d I took it on is now sold anyways.

That won't change the time, having the battery out. ;)
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Well if you really like I can take some new pictures and set the right times on my SLR, wouldn't that make you feel much better invader? ;)
Well if you really like I can take some new pictures and set the right times on my SLR, wouldn't that make you feel much better invader? ;)

forget setting the right time, it doesnt matter :p
just go take some proper pics of it, that would be nice :]
Well if you really like I can take some new pictures and set the right times on my SLR, wouldn't that make you feel much better invader? ;)

I don't mind mate, just pointing out removal of the battery doesn't effect the time. :)

By all means takes more pictures of the car, but I have no issue with regards to you claiming your parent's have a car they do or don't have. :)

As Fox says, this is your motors, not your parent's. :p
I don't mind mate, just pointing out removal of the battery doesn't effect the time. :)

By all means takes more pictures of the car, but I have no issue with regards to you claiming your parent's have a car they do or don't have. :)

As Fox says, this is your motors, not your parent's. :p

My father is actually dead, so it's far from daddies car.
Not my parents lol, actually it's my fiance's car, and that's our house behind. I only passed my driving 2 years ago. But its the only car I drive. Don't jump to the wrong assumption mate, just ask, can always tell students a mile off :p.

I'd have absolutely no reason to lie or bend the truth in any way, shape or form. It is not of my interest to do this, I was simply taking part in a discussion that is all.
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