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No way the Mustang does 38MPG at 80MPH, your fuel computer must be over estimating! :p

Yes it does, computer is pretty accurate within 0.5mpg, though saying that there was a few 50 zones when I got that in fairness, so its probably more like 35mpg at that speed. Quite a lot of V8 Mustang owners who regular commute on motorway see an overall average of 23-26mpg. :)
Mine on the same driving returns exactly the same average mpg as my 911 did, though the 911 maxed at around 32mpg on motorway the Mustang can see upto around 38mpg.

The new Mustang will be interesting to see how PI/DI impact power and economy, as both will improve further.
They do cylinder deactivation even on the fast stuff, I know C7 Corvettes have it

It's not a silly request IMO; surely you'd still want halfway-acceptable highway fuel economy whether you're in a Dodge Caravan or a Viper. It's hardly exhilarating doing 70-80mph in a straight line :p
Define huge Mcdonalds breakfast? They're standard sizes. Unless you got multiple items.

I did that at the weekend, though the bacon and egg snack wrap was very dissappointing.
What Gibbo isn't telling us is that he is at the forefront of fashion:

Pulled up socks are all the rage these days!

That guy's face says "please kill me."

I'll just leave these here....



Better pics soon, still trying to regain my senses after all the excitement. It's utterly **** and brilliant at the same time.
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