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Ah need to update my location, now a little bit up the the Thameslink! Was in Highbury but now a tiny village just north of Bedford

There are some blooming nice places around there. I was living in St Neots for circa 6 months and loved it. The only reason I moved away was family - was a bit too far away from everyone :)
Amazing how everyone is becoming grown up now isn’t it :)

I joined in 2006 and I was 38-39 and felt surround by kids. Now all those kids are buying flash cars, nice houses and visiting nice places with families and kids and good jobs or even their own businesses making them successful. Great to see actually.

Now Tom, make sure you get a draw bridge and some gun turrets installed. I use some 15” guns I got from my local army and navy, but you can never have too much defence :D
I remember when you worked in Jessops Tom, congrats!

A lifetime ago

Nice place Tom, are you still working in London?

Yeah, though 100% remote still! As is my fiancée, and having to share an office wasn't ideal which was a big catalyst to move now we know we'll have to work from home at least 2-3 days a week forever more. Probably would've stayed central for at least a few more years had covid not forced agile working on our industry!

Cheers all :) great to actually be able to get out and drive more, the roads are great around here - does make me keep looking at M4s though :D
Car doesn't match garage etc.

Congrats that's a hell of a home, what an upgrade from an apartment! I assume even outside London that's a 7 figure property?
After c. 10 years of living in apartments and not being able to wash my own car unless I went to a parents etc, today I was able to wash my f36 430i at my own house for the first time !

Pressure washer with snow foam lance etc arrives next week so it was a basic hose + 2 bucket rinse shampoo rinse sealant job:

I was worried the gravel would bog up from the water (after using my in-law's drive which basically became swimming pool after washing!), but it was absolutely fine.

Congrats on completing on the new house mate.:) Re the gravel bogging up, think of gravel as per any permeable surface. Ive always had gravel and you could pour water into mine all day as the soil under it drains well. Sounds like you have good soil.
Do it. Then the car will match the house, which is obviously of primary importance to Motors :p

:D The gran coupe has been INCREDIBLY useful during the move, nipping to get bits and pieces / throwing a mattress in the back, it's one of the most useful cars this side of an estate with the huge hatch loading area! If they did an M4 GC it'd be a no brainer but alas they didn't.

Car doesn't match garage etc.

Congrats that's a hell of a home, what an upgrade from an apartment! I assume even outside London that's a 7 figure property?

Thanks! Our apartment was pretty cool and we did love it, but this is just so much better, you're not wrong! It's taking some adjusting to, but absolutely loving it so far.

Congrats on completing on the new house mate.:) Re the gravel bogging up, think of gravel as per any permeable surface. Ive always had gravel and you could pour water into mine all day as the soil under it drains well. Sounds like you have good soil.

Thanks - yeah, her parent's drive is actually a bit short on stones too, so it doesn't even disperse the water properly but when it rains you end up with full-on puddles. Here it just drains away nicely :)
Traded in the Clubman SD and picked this up on Saturday.

Pro pack and tech pack. I love the Storm Bay colour and the iDrive 7 system in the car is just superb. And it has physical buttons as well as the touch screen still.
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