So when it's nearly 80% rust and bits falling off, then I should call you?
Is there any video of that thing as I need to hear the noise it makes!
I've been noticing every month they go up a little bit lol. Funny story, well it's not really funny but normal I guess lol but was washing it one evening this week and a guy stopped his car outside the driveway, got out, lit a smoke and stood there looking, then a while later came to talk and ended up having a 15-20 minute convo about the E46s. Turns out he used to be a master tech at a London BMW dealer years ago but left due to poor wages. He knew everything about them, asked about big end bearings on mine, I laughed about the engine swap when the shells imploded... etc

I think he had a moment of nostalgia as he drove past and had to stop and smoke it off
As time has gone on I've also noticed that more older people have shown higher levels of appreciation of this than younger which is fine by me. Seems the M4 and exhaust popping is all the rage with the latter. I was at a wedding this past weekend and part of the groom's convoy was M3 saloon, M4 all with modified exhausts revving at standstill popping and banging. James May would have words to say about that!
Gonna continue keeping it in as good a condition as I can.