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Ive likely said this before, I'm not usually one for modified cars but something about your S2000 just works

Love the colour combination
Thank you! As said, taste is one of those things, can’t get it 100% right but for me the car looks good. Glad to see some others agree
Some great drives out this weekend, few hundred miles covered of cracking A and B roads, low traffic too always a bonus.

Totally boring for anyone on here. After seeing some of the cars you guys have. I needed something jacked up a little due to a back problem so bought this. I am quite impressed, comes with every pack Nissan does. As an ex demo it was just under 5k cheaper than new with 230 miles on it when I collected it.

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Where did this word come from all of a sudden?

I had never heard the word "colourway" before in my life, and then suddenly everyone started using it a few months ago. :p

it has been used forever for things like trainers, never heard it used about cars before...
Unless my eyesight is failing me I don't see a front number plate? Don't you get hassle from cops?

Seems to depend on which police area you are in. Some areas stop every car they see and fine them. And then post the results on FB. I saw one video where they did the whole group of supercars going for a trip, most without front number plates.
Who really cares, looks better without a front plate and you may have to occasionally pay £100 for the privilege. Not a big deal.
Unless my eyesight is failing me I don't see a front number plate? Don't you get hassle from cops?

Nope and was literally parked amongst three police traffic cars few days ago and all they had to say was stunning car.

I have however recently purchased a static plate which when I get round to cleaning the car I’m gonna put on and see how well or how bad it works. But so far I’ve had no hassle and if I do I’ll pay the £100
Nope and was literally parked amongst three police traffic cars few days ago and all they had to say was stunning car.

I have however recently purchased a static plate which when I get round to cleaning the car I’m gonna put on and see how well or how bad it works. But so far I’ve had no hassle and if I do I’ll pay the £100

Well, if you aren't getting hassled (doesn't sound like it) then personally i'd leave it off as it does look even better without a front number plate imo. I imagine come MOT time you'll need 1 though.
Well, if you aren't getting hassled (doesn't sound like it) then personally i'd leave it off as it does look even better without a front number plate imo. I imagine come MOT time you'll need 1 though.

MOT places have never taken issue with no front plate on my 458, same conclusion basically where would you even put one, lol.
Mclaren is easier to attach a plate it is just the curvature that made me angry about the old one kept popping off one side, hence ripping it off in anger, but I will give static plate a clean and a try, but I find MOT places I visit are only interested in ensuring the car is safe and passes emissions, as long as a plate is on the rear they are happy, may not be legal but as with most things common sense prevails and is no doubt why police so far have not bothered me, suspect if I was driving like a tool then they would stop me and then take £100 for no plate.
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I think it depends where you live more than anything. Around here and certainly recently around Manchester, there's a huge focus on missing plates and not just fines being issued but private plates being withdrawn by the DVLA as well. The FourDot front plate has a perfect bend in it to match the angle of the bumper so there's not the same tension on the adhesive which makes normal plates fall off.

The only time I've run without a plate (due to it genuinely falling off) I was stopped by the Police - they could see that there was a load of ugly black residue on the front where the plate had been and I had the plate in the passenger footwell so let me go but they weren't at all happy about it.
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