Show Us Your Motors!

Definitely the best pics I've taken of my car since ownership.



I do love your car Neil.

Best colour scheme for them imo!

Prefer the other ones spoiler though, looks more in place and the whole car looks so dominant and aggressive.

Is it Starlight black?
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I would imagine the black one is from 2009. No idea how I came to that conclusion though :p
haha I've never understood the correlation between plates and years, sure it's very simple but never been arsed to work it out.

If Y = Letters, X = Numbers

The number plates are YYXX YYY

There are 2 numbers in the middle, X1 (the first X), tells you if its the first part of that year or second part. If it is 0 then its March to August. If its 5 then its September to the following February.

X2 (second numerical digit) is the year X5 is 2006, X8 is 2008

So 08 is a 2008 plate between March 2008 to August 2008.

56 plate is a car from September 2006 to February 2007.
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