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agw_01 said:
Looks smart Karl :)

You already got some front fogs or do you need some? I have one of those kits that Rimmer Bro's had in stock not too long ago. Don't need it anymore as the 420 came with fogs (and a home made loom that needs fitting). I was going to keep them for spares, but if you want them, let me know.

I don't have the surrounds but you should be able to find some easily.
Already have the fog kit from rimmer bros from when they were cheap, just not installed it.

Not changed much on the outside has it? :) Love it though. Reminds me of my old 220.

How's the turbo now? Sorted out the oil leak/smoke? What exhaust is that?
agw_01 said:
Not changed much on the outside has it? :) Love it though. Reminds me of my old 220.

How's the turbo now? Sorted out the oil leak/smoke? What exhaust is that?

Exterior is still the same :cool: I ended up buying a new turbo, got a pulsar T28 that had been reconditioned with a 360 thrust bearing, pulls like a train now :D the exhaust is a Piper one.
Berger said:
Get your ass to the rolling road in two weeks time, you owe me a passenger ride! :p

Haha! I've got too much on I'm afraid :( I'm sure you'll have another later on in the year though so I'll make an appearence then :D
lmao :D Well if your ever in the west of wales............... :cool:

Would be nice to see how this new turbo is doing but really havn't got the time to get down to the RR :(
Smokes said:
Nah, Penrhyncoch ;) Do you still have the Hyundai Coupe?

I'm still about, usually found canning it around the country roads though :p

Nah got the car in my sig now, 1998 MR2.
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