bit of a neater photo, all the servers are generic dl360g5's no idea on spec pretty bog standard, you might be able to make out the ntp time cards in each one (AUI connectors on them if anyone remembers them!!?) below that are a stacked pair of 3750g cisco switches, then a trunked pair of brocade 5100 silkworm san switches then right at the bottom is a cisco RPSU. V.dull but i designed it all myself, the networking/SAN diagrams look pretty funky we use dark fibre for triciplical replication and have a few les1000/oc48 links for the networking spans.
will take some pics of my companies racks that i built and maintain, we have just built our own datacentre too which is pretty funky
in terms of messy patch panels, we have a few too! but it gets to a point where you cannot redeem yourself!!
bit of a neater photo, all the servers are generic dl360g5's no idea on spec pretty bog standard, you might be able to make out the ntp time cards in each one (AUI connectors on them if anyone remembers them!!?) below that are a stacked pair of 3750g cisco switches, then a trunked pair of brocade 5100 silkworm san switches then right at the bottom is a cisco RPSU. V.dull but i designed it all myself, the networking/SAN diagrams look pretty funky we use dark fibre for triciplical replication and have a few les1000/oc48 links for the networking spans.
will take some pics of my companies racks that i built and maintain, we have just built our own datacentre too which is pretty funky
in terms of messy patch panels, we have a few too! but it gets to a point where you cannot redeem yourself!!
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