Show What You're Working On

ta :)

The intension is to keep the format the same on each page really, obviously with text and smaller images to the side. But the principle will remain.
Here's my Portfolio, I am working on, I may change what is written, but I'm pretty happy with how it looks seeing that I'm not really a designer.

Spent the last month or so building a new CMS for work from scratch. Design hasn't changed a great deal from the old version, it's more usability and functionaility improvements.


Built in ASP.Net MVC3 using the new Razor templating, and I can say with conviction that it's awesome. So much better than the old webforms based view engine.

Also now completely modular so things like blogs, image galleries etc. can be added with just a few clicks.
A tiny tiny update :( Sooooooooooooo busy.

Change log;

1. front page buttons size reduced
2. ******* / Linkedin stuff added
3. Nav links work now.
4. Nav links highlight what page your on
5. Some minor content
6. Google web font used (muli i think) v. close to avant garde.
7. There must be a 7....... (oh yeah working on a contact us script) not ready yet :)

I'm looking at that cms above and drooling though tbh :(
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Taking away from the digital aspect of bits & pieces..

I'll take some photos of what there is inside of these cases tomorrow at some point. It will start to make a bit more sense then!



This is my first web site since using Front Page in the 90's.

It's made from a template with some minor changes, I've been replacing the images with pictures taken with a 450d, 60mm f 2.8 macro lens with some basic lights & tents that I purchased about 6 months ago. I've been learning photography from reading photo forums and Youtube. It seems to be a never ending task but I'm getting there and learning a lot on the way.
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