Damn, I'd make a right mess if I had to use my left hand :/
so what hand do they...you know....with is that a good thing or a bad thing
Damn, I'd make a right mess if I had to use my left hand :/
so what hand do they...you know....with is that a good thing or a bad thing
Did I miss something? did someone actually suggest that wiping your bum with your hand was an actual practice? which dirty bugger does this ?
It's been a good number of years but as a kid you're told about how the angels and prophets write down all your good deeds and bad deeds and that the good side is the right side where an angel/prophet sits noting your good deeds whilst the left side is where the bad are written down so you should not for example cleanse your rear with your right hand or eat with your left hand. That's how we were brought up and everyone I know too.
Remember that the "muslim" way of using one hand for wiping and scratching and the other for eating is from WAY WAY back in time. When people didnt have bog roll, or toilets for that matter.
Makes perfect sense, I didn't even notice to think of this being caught up in this toilet-cum-poocake-cum-religion of a thread!
I don't think I could 'go' if I had angels on my shoulders, can't you ask them to wait outside the door?
Dont bring *that* into all this as well!! snigger
Nearly there boys, a little more effort and you can turn this into a muslim bashing thread
EDIT: woohoo, reached the 200 mark.
mrk what are you on about? prophet sits on your right shoulder? where did you get that from?
oooops didnt wanna say that
What a surpriseIn addition to the hand-wiping filth, we've had a problem in our building where Asian guys have been standing on the toilet seat