Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Alpha Centauri sequel announced!

im back home and im trying to get into it but im failing at the moment.

half tiredness half unimpressedness.

Started 3x and the map is nasty each time.... Horrible looks low rez textures. purple colours.

Was thinking id fall right into this but not so much
(reminds me a lot of how i felt about Alpha centauri early on)
From everything Iv seen it appears the AI is worse than CIV5 and it has a **** load of features removed.

dont see the point personally if you have a full civ5, it will be another 2 expansions before its up to scratch.

Oh dear.

Appreciate the reply. I think I'll hold out for now then.

Not playing it anyway, playing Crysis 3, although really it's just a reskinned doom.
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I'm well into it now and tbh I'm really enjoying it. It's not quite as good as Civ 5 but I have not found the AI to be a problem tbh. I have had a few surprise attacks when I was not expecting that showed quite clever AI to me.

I like it anyway it's a lot of entertainment for £20.. :)
I'm well into it now and tbh I'm really enjoying it. It's not quite as good as Civ 5 but I have not found the AI to be a problem tbh. I have had a few surprise attacks when I was not expecting that showed quite clever AI to me.

I like it anyway it's a lot of entertainment for £20.. :)

Me too. I wasn't sure about it at first. Now I'm really getting into it. Lost my first game (just) because I didn't know what I was doing for the first 150 or so turns.
Well purchased and installed. Only managed 10 mins over my lunch break. Tech Tree and Icons remind me VERY much of endless space
I think i would enjoy this more if i hadnt played civ v (as a benchmark)

Saying that i am liking it very much now after getting my head into gear and a few coffees
Hows trading in this one?

Civ 5:
Me: I need 2 wheat, can I have it?
AI: I want 40 iron, 3 cotton, 3 silver, 2 gems and 100gpt in exchange.
Me: Get ****ed
Hows trading in this one?

Civ 5:
Me: I need 2 wheat, can I have it?
AI: I want 40 iron, 3 cotton, 3 silver, 2 gems and 100gpt in exchange.
Me: Get ****ed

So true, or even better was when an NPC initiated a trade, press accept "That's no way near a fair deal" .....ok what do you want for it? "There's no way this can work". I'm amazed that was still happening after 2 expansion packs, the trade demands were ridiculous.
it was BS but as part of the overall scheme if u are making 400g PT then it really isnt that much - I personalty just hoarded gold.

That and 1 luxury for 6 in return was infuriating, but if you utterly needed that thing for We love the king days it was possibly worth it. If you can sustain the :) loss from the 6.

So far trading in this seems different, lots of little "ill scratch your back if you scratch" mine offers for Energy(money)
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