***Sid Meier's Civilization VII***

I really dislike this thing of pre-paid DLC. Six things you don't know what are? Doesn't sit right with me.
The mystery over a DLC doesnt really apply to a Civ game though, based on previous Civ titles you can bet that the DLC will be additional leaders and Civs, so for me it makes sense to get those DLCs in the Founders Edition as I always, without fail, buy DLCs which add new leaders and Civs to a game anyway (not just for Civ but for all Civ based games like Age of Wonders, Stellaris, Europa Universalis, any of the Total War games especially Total Warhammer etc etc, any Civ orientated game, which all usually have additional Civs as their DLCs)
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One of the peeps that I regularly game with was much the same before Civ 6 came out, said he didnt like the looks of it, wasnt going to play it etc (even though he has 100s of hours in civ 4 and civ 5 in our multiplayer sessions) but when it came out he picked it up, joined us in our multiplayer games and ended up over 900 hours in it.

Which just goes to show that once you're in the game, playing a huge multiplayer match with your friends, that just one more turn bug bites no matter what changes have occurred. Absolutely love the Civ games for huge multimonth multiplayer matches. Reminds us all of the huge boardgames that we used to play decades ago, stuff like Squad Leader, Advanced Third Reich and Axis and Allies. Civ is the master at it :)
Your multiplayer sessions sound like a lot of fun! I have never played any strategy games multiplayer.
Your multiplayer sessions sound like a lot of fun! I have never played any strategy games multiplayer.
Yeah they are awesome, takes us many months to play through one full game of it to completion, as we play on the largest map, with the biggest number of Civs and the longest number of turns, but thats how we like it and of course almost all games are better when played with friends :D

Ah, sorry I misunderstood what you were saying there. The quotes about "modern" threw me, and I thought you were talking about the thing they're calling the Modern Age, my bad. In some ways it feels kind of appropriate, since Civ I was contemporaneous with the end of the Cold War. But Civ has always had some near-future techs in there. I guess for me, it'll depend on how the game feels. If it feels like the game is complete and interesting to the end I don't really care about where they choose to put the end point of the tech tree. Honestly, I prefer the earlier-to-mid part of the tech tree most of the time anyway.

And, thanks for the link @Teaf :)
The mystery over a DLC doesnt really apply to a Civ game though, based on previous Civ titles you can bet that the DLC will be additional leaders and Civs, so for me it makes sense to get those DLCs in the Founders Edition as I always, without fail, buy DLCs which add new leaders and Civs to a game anyway (not just for Civ but for all Civ based games like Age of Wonders, Stellaris, Europa Universalis, any of the Total War games especially Total Warhammer etc etc, any Civ orientated game, which all usually have additional Civs as their DLCs)

I mean if you're getting value out of it, far be it from me to put you off. I just dislike it as a way of doing things. Personally, I'm tending towards the Standard Edition. Pre-order gets a little sweetener - and Civ is one of the few games I'd pre-order - and I can buy the rest of the stuff later if I feel like I want it. I haven't been that taken with Civ VI so I'm feeling more like giving it a try before sinking more money into it this time around.

Not long to wait now!
I mean if you're getting value out of it, far be it from me to put you off. I just dislike it as a way of doing things. Personally, I'm tending towards the Standard Edition. Pre-order gets a little sweetener - and Civ is one of the few games I'd pre-order - and I can buy the rest of the stuff later if I feel like I want it. I haven't been that taken with Civ VI so I'm feeling more like giving it a try before sinking more money into it this time around.

Not long to wait now!
Yeah, the Civ series is one that I can guarantee I will get value out of it, based on previous Civ titles I'll easily hit 1000+ hours, which on my £ per hour system for ascertaining if a title was value for money means that £75 outlay will work out at about 7p an hour, I'm content with that return ;)
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