just reading some people getting copies that they are sending back. fingers crossed i get a good one .....
Do Onestop still not deal with returns on back focus etc?
just reading some people getting copies that they are sending back. fingers crossed i get a good one .....
im sure canon have their bad copies too and from what im reading the sigma is better than the canon and much cheaper too
worth the risk for me, lots of people are saying how much they love this lens
also, you can buy from a supplier that does let you exchange them if your not happy, if you want to pay slightly more
It is a challenging lens @f1.4
Supreme low light focusing here although that's on the 5D3. Doesn't matter what AF point is used in most cases.
I got around to trying the USB Dock last night. Of course the bloody thing doesn't work. Most annoying.
MRK are you Robbie?anyway those head shots of the girls look great but it says on the info was taken with 35mm,yet 35mm is not supposed to be good for closeups so how do you do it?do you take from further away then crop in close?i started a thread because i want the 35mm sigma and the 85mm canon for portraits but if its possible to get great shots like yours with a 35mm then why waste my money on buying both?
thanks for any help
Well presumable lens profile correction is turned on, though the lens only distorts 0.2% anyway. The Nikkor 85 1.4 has 0.1% distortion, so their isn't much in it.
oh thanks guys,no Rojin i didn't see the distortion but i will go and have a close best thing is get both then