Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

I did ask the same question on here a while ago. I've had my porlex grinder for over 3 1/2 years now, I still use it everyday & have done since I bought it. (must be used over 1000 times now) I don't think I need to replace the burrs just yet.
Does anyone know how long the burrs last on a Porlex grinder, or how to tell they're on their way out?

I would be interested to hear from other re burr wear too. If you are having trouble with the grinder, check your nut (lol). Mine was worn and becoming loose during grinding, which of course then loses your grind setting.
Anyone use(d) Kopi? I normally go with small batch coffee and do the 3 month sub. Tempted to try Kopi though as they seemed to get rated very highly. Only downside is not sure a 250g bag would last me the month so I would probably have to buy more.
250g wouldn't last me a week lol.

I'm not sure why they have all the mystery tbh, it's a bit suss. Surely they could just list where and what they have and let you order as and when (as well as do subscriptions to those who want it). I don't see the need for a subscription, it's a bit of false exclusivity or something. Like that annoying "shh don't tell anyone, even though this is a TV advert" holiday company.

HasBean, Rave, Pact.. they all do what Kopi do - travel around and buy what good coffee they can get before someone else buys it all up (fun fact: Coffee is actually a hell of lot more scarce than we might like to think it is and farmers are beating buyers away with sticks). Kopi won't be any different in that regard.

Obviously it'll be a different story regarding the roasting though. Though I'm not about to sign up for a sub just to see if I like their roast or not.
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I have a cup a day, around 16-18g so 250 lasts me a little while but not a month. Small batch coffee sub is £40ish (incl p&p) and is a bag every other week which has generally worked out well for me. Was just wondering if what Kopi have is really all that.
might give them a go but tbh this has somewhat put me off:

Any coffee expert will tell you that coffee tastes its absolute best within weeks of roasting. We go to great lengths to ensure our members receive their coffee within 14 days of roasting.

Hasbean and Squaremile have almost always got the coffee to be within 2-3 days of roasting, non of this 14 day rubbish.
Small batch roast on a Thursday and send it out later that day. Think I shall just stick with them. Thanks for feedback, doesn't seem like the hype is all that justified.
I work at home so get through 3 or 4 cups a day. 20g a shot :x. Plus the odd bit I discharge in the morning because it's been sat in the grinder chute overnight going stale.

Getting a bottomless portafilter this week, and will give 18g a go with it so I can squeeze an extra shot out of each bag that way!
You should probably see a doctor about that morning discharge :eek:

I go through about 1.5 bags a week usually. Double espresso in the morning, at lunch and sometimes one in the evening. Then at the weekend I tend to lose count.

Bottomless portafilters are awesome too :)
Down to one cup in the morning now.. had lots of headaches and random feeling crap on the down.. now fine but good with a cup in the morning.

Sometimes have an additional cup on the weekend - usually if the mrs wants a cappuccino.
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