Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

Ah, I didn't realise they'd been taken over. I'm not a huge fan of the Department of Coffee & Social Affairs brand but I didn't notice any changes of note last time I was at TAP.

You can tell because they sell the same bags of coffee beans. I found that out during one of my London 'coffee shop' days out a while back.
/\/\/\ Agreed. Last one was January during Chinese new year, I would expect that to be my only London coffee shop 'day trip' this year sadly. :(
/\/\ TAP is now part of the Department of Coffee & Social Affairs 'mini chain' now. Got took over about a year-18 months ago. This particular 'mini chain' has expanded rather quietly in london over that space of time, I think it's mainly when a shop has cashflow or some other financial trouble, or the previous owners have had enough & want to sell up & that's where Dept. of coffee steps in. They have a few coffee shops trading under different names in Bristol as well. Trouble is, when that happens, the service & quality start to slide, I don't like that when it happens.

Ah, I didn't realise they'd been taken over. I'm not a huge fan of the Department of Coffee & Social Affairs brand but I didn't notice any changes of note last time I was at TAP.

Prufrock is also at least part owned by Square Mile as well.
My leveller is heavy too but I don’t think it matters if you set it right and you level it so the rim catches the side. You are essentially tamping with the height set to the right depth.
Prufrock is also at least part owned by Square Mile as well.

I knew that. One thing I'm not certain about is whether James Hoffman was around to help Gwilym Davies start up Prufrock all those years ago, as you well know they are both former WBC's. If he did, then Prufrock's reputation precedes itself! I paid my 1st visit back in July 2014, it still sets the standard in London as far as I'm concerned. My last visit was late November last year, there's some pretty stiff competition in Leather Lane now.
Treated myself to the De'longhi Dedica bundle last weekend, now drinking too much coffee! Need to get better at my measurements of coffee as i'm not being very consistent each time. Do you all weigh it each time?
Treated myself to the De'longhi Dedica bundle last weekend, now drinking too much coffee! Need to get better at my measurements of coffee as i'm not being very consistent each time. Do you all weigh it each time?

You should weight it each time, if you want consistency.

In theory, if you dial in the grind setting to get the desire weight, if you don't change your beans then you should get something very close to that dialed in weight for the duration of the beans left in the hopper. Give or take small minor differences from humidity changes.
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